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Marketing this years Crop and Final Yields?

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    Canola is pretty fickle plant if you ask me, too wet, to dry, sclerotinia, bugs, .......... should be 20 a bushel like mustard. Shes no cinderella.


      maybe around Red deer things will hang
      on .
      but not in a lot of west central sask.
      some are lucky and caught a shower
      but here
      between 8 tenths and an inch since may 1 .
      things are going backwards this AM.
      the wheat looks the worst.
      crops that looked good 3 days ago , kinda look like crap today.
      you can just imagine the 1 inch wheat and barley heads forming in them.


        Exactly. The head size is determined. Tillers halted.
        If we get rain it will fill whats there. Too late and it will regrow leaving two crops.


          Canola started flowering today, this should be interesting, how many days?


            5 days tops.


              I don't know about south of Red Deer but north there are a lot of really good farmers with shitty looking fields (mine usually look shitty but these are guys with shiny new drills). A few of the earliest fields of canola look great and are bolting/first flower but overall its below average. And if it looks below average here the traditionally dry areas are screwed.


                Think late seeded Canola will miss the heat during flowering?


                  i too am beginning if to wonder if the late crops could stand a better chance.

                  i hate the thought of second growth coming in the wheat, if it ever does rain.
                  it has been a long time since i had to deal with that nonsense.



                    we all have to look at the bright side.

                    the federal govt.s inaction plan of drought and economic slow down will
                    finely kick in get the railroads caught up . and basis levels will improve.
                    (good job)

                    with the extra 100s of thousands$ the grain co.s
                    pocketed from each of us the last couple of years, they will be in good shape weather any reduction in hand ling's.

                    the best for me is that the sprayer is parked.


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