Ok is it just me or is the market really f$%Ked up in Canada.
Most farmers in the west side seeded lots and lots of canola some probably more than last few years as the lotto was good. Most in the East seeded like they usually do but a few of the wet acreage did come back.
So stats Canada number will be out tomorrow. It will show larger acreage but does that number really mean any thing.
Oh wait the Alberta crop report was out this morning with lots of RAH RAH.
It spit the crop can make it another week. FM.
The D word isn't spoken by any one its seems a bad word in Canada.
Yield will not go up even if a monsoon season hit from now on.
So the crop dropped 5 on Friday and 6 today. Yet soy is up do to flooding in USA and fact some farmers took their seed back and put away their planters and said F$%K it its to wet to keep trying.
Yet here hot and dry continues yet canola drops.
Come on Charlie tell me how the market knows and yield doesn't matter.
A crop around 10 makes a difference.
Most farmers in the west side seeded lots and lots of canola some probably more than last few years as the lotto was good. Most in the East seeded like they usually do but a few of the wet acreage did come back.
So stats Canada number will be out tomorrow. It will show larger acreage but does that number really mean any thing.
Oh wait the Alberta crop report was out this morning with lots of RAH RAH.
It spit the crop can make it another week. FM.
The D word isn't spoken by any one its seems a bad word in Canada.
Yield will not go up even if a monsoon season hit from now on.
So the crop dropped 5 on Friday and 6 today. Yet soy is up do to flooding in USA and fact some farmers took their seed back and put away their planters and said F$%K it its to wet to keep trying.
Yet here hot and dry continues yet canola drops.
Come on Charlie tell me how the market knows and yield doesn't matter.
A crop around 10 makes a difference.