Most companies post prices on websites. Some public. Some password protected. Lots send out texts with daily prices. Are they just bids or transacted prices? I guess depends.
PDQinfo is working on a process of collecting and posting prices. Stay tuned.
Still your job to stay informed about prices. Even to the point of being prepared to counter/offer grain for a price. I will sell for $X. You (grain company) have to the end of the day to respond. A good way to capture better in fast moving volatile markets and lock in better basis
PDQinfo is working on a process of collecting and posting prices. Stay tuned.
Still your job to stay informed about prices. Even to the point of being prepared to counter/offer grain for a price. I will sell for $X. You (grain company) have to the end of the day to respond. A good way to capture better in fast moving volatile markets and lock in better basis