It seems to me the Greek financial mess was created by government over spending on early retirement and other left of centre driven policies which ballooned government debt. Then they had to greatly increase the sales tax and other taxes which then created a huge underground economy because they felt the taxes were to high. How is this different than what the provincial NDP in Alberta, the federal NDP or the provincial Liberals in Ontario are pushing for? All 3 complain of the need for more government revenue while at the same time increasing government's size and spending. Many European countries have proven this approach doesn't work. The best way to increase government revenue is to create an environment and infrastructure to attract business investment to create jobs. Mulcair's plan to raise corporate tax and create more child care spaces and a national drug plan will do nothing to create jobs. I can't think of an example of any country that taxed its way out of debt. At least Trudeau's plan to legalize marijuana will make for a happy electorate!
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Will we learn from the Greek fiasco?
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Manitoba ndp keep increasing government size. Ultimate plan is to get enough people working for the province, as it guarentees votes in return. No government employee would dare vote pc and risk losing their jobs and pensions. Its been said over 20% of manitobans work for government. Assuming 95% of them vote, just a guess, and only 60% of the public as a whole votes, it seems the civil servants are deciding election outcomes.
Not if we keep askin for bailouts - from the auto industry to banks to farmers -all pull up your big boy pants and deal with adversity .
I would not say I have learned much from Greece yet. Kind of expected it to play out as it has. Love the baklava though.
I will say lets see if they go for the 30% haircut on bank deposits. I predict yes. And in the longer term I think the risk of depositor money being at some risk here in Canda is real as well.
More trouble for the Greeks no matter what happens in the coming days and weeks. Unfortunately this has to get much worse before it gets better.
Lucky for us we can always go on a lentil diet and if we get desparate maybe nibble on our fusarium infested durum for a treat.
there's very few democratic countries in the world that can cut deficits. unions, social media, special interest groups, the feeling of entitlement amongst the people, any government out there can't speak the truth and implement what need's to be done. And most governments aren't even willing. The way some whine on here you would think they were living in a third world country ( actually they would prob. be shot or tortured if they acted that way ) The pioneers who came to this country would kick guys like cuban in the ass and tell them to get to work.
Absolutely not. Human nature to want something for nothing so are doomed to follow down the same path. Even those who think they are not part of the problem: it is always the other guy, are loathe to give up their subsidies. How much will landowners squeal if the government went to sound money and allowed interest rates to float now? Land price bubble would deflate immediately.
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