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Choosing canola varieties

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    freewheat, how science based is that opinion?

    Since liberty often does such a poor job on grassy's, its like spraying only a group 1.


      Invigor varieties always look better from the road, huge TALL plants. They use up nutrients for a huge plant but deplete the soil. But ? in the bin? Weed control is variable, neighbors try every liberty rate and combo, still have cleavers. We just stick with RR, two pass, Dekalb a good average, looks smaller plant but always surprises with combine. All varieties are now about or- 2bu/acre, each has a better trait NONE are perfect. Good luck.


        Tweety, there must be a fair amount of synergy with clethodim based on the recommended rates in the guide.


          Half the light rate when using it alone.


            free , I use to think like you , but I think we found some resistant oats in cereals this year after liberty and cent last year .


              fjlip , you are right on . and this liberty is the reason guys are probably putting quinclorac with it and gonna f$&k it up for all . liberty in my opinion has never worked worth a shit since they took the foam out of it


                freewheat, its quite complex, for that i am certain.


                  New group 13 product called Clomazone coming for cleavers in canola next year from a small company called FMC. Applied pre-seed. I know Bayer is watching the trials very closely as they know they need something. There is a trial around home here but its so dam dry there are no cleavers growing anyway.


                    use avadex or edge for the wild oats. Bayers got to clean up their seed.


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