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I had a eye opener yesterday! I suggest every one take a driv!

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    Not sure what AFSC is doing other than claims are based on individual yield results. I suspect a bigger impact will be farms that are spread over wider areas and have a dogs breakfast of yields.

    Realize there are lots of individuals in a severe problems but it is a situation that has to play out. If you wanting to write crop off and use for pasture, etc., have that conversation with your crop insurance representative.


      SF3, how many kilometres do you put on your truck each year. Must be over 60,000. You're a man on the move! As for crop inspecting, I don't wanna look. Environment Canada says 60% chance of a drop or two for the next 4days in Regina. Here's hoping!


        Get lost South Wind!


          rain in forecast for monday
          but today will take more yield off.
          a lot of canola is finishing bloom with
          only 6 inches of pods.
          later seeded might fare better.
          everything is going backwards again.

          peas , we will have a hard time getting them , single stalks , no tendrils ,8"-12",
          they will shrink . right to the ground.

          rain will only do so much at this point.


            I am reluctant to go looking, I know there is worse, and far worse, than here but when there is better to see it hurts more when I get home. I used to be hopeful for rain, now I am just hopeful for a shot to help fill what is here that won't push this short shit onto the ground and make an already shitty harvest shittier. SF3 you may finally be in Utopia this year. I had my "turns" at what would be considered a good crop for here(but maybe not for some). Not my turn this year.


              Klause told me leaf diseases are getting less. Had to slap myself to see if I was dreaming. Airplane has been buzzing for a few days to the north. Myself I will wait on fungicide yet for wheat maybe do it in Fusarium timing. Don't see much of anything in peas either.


                Hopper, I've been asking guys here how much drier it would have to be before they wouldn't spray. Don't be a sheeple, base your decision on your farm. Previous rain, how long does it stay wet in the morning if there is any dew, crop canopy, crop stage, crop potential, commodity price, rain in the near forecast (hahaha). IMO there was no way in hell a fungicide application was warranted here. As I said, how much drier would it have to be before you wouldn't spray? I can only speak for my farm...


                  My acres, 2400 times $17.50 average/ac is $42,000. What are my chances of recovering that and getting more for the efforts. ****, I'm hoping the worst case scenario is breaking even not incurring more expense. Some people drank too much kool-aid or can't think for themselves.


                    Farmaholic. I totally agree. I can't believe how much people spray. People on here complain about costs and how they are getting screwed by every part of the system, yet they play right into the systems hands!

                    For me,I am a shitty grain farmer. There is the odd field of hay breaking I haven't fertilized. Pull some oats out of the bin seed it, spray buctril M, and I am done. Often get 70 to 80 bushels/acre. I haven't sprayed fungicides. Am I maximizing yield, - no, am I leaving money on the table - probably. Am I putting money into my pocket- yes. I have old equipment that owes me nothing. I do make up fertilizer in following years. I seeded more canola this year. It will yield brutal, but seed chem (an in crop spray for weeds, plus burn off), fert, fuel. I need about 14 bushels per acre to cover costs. Add a few bushels for land payments/rent and all is good I am not going to hit huge home runs, but usually putting money in my pocket and enjoying life. Probably sound like a fool, because I am doing everything wrong from how it is "supposed to get done" But Looking after myself first!! I have hay in rotation which I think is huge advantage, but that sure seems to be outside of everyone's realm on here as well.


                      Hey cattleman, a profit is a profit, can't complain about that!!


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