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Intellectual Property Laws

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    Just an observation:
    Is it only the seed growers and seed companies that are infaver of UPOV91. I have talked to lots of farmers and city people and not one think it is a good idea.



      Ask yourself this.

      What will be the most sought after input for the farm next year?

      Fertilizer that didn't get used?


      Seed that is no longer there?


        Yes good rum the problem has been identified. But is that all u have to offer ?

        50 posts of restating the problem

        0 posts of solution.



          Is asking for a perennial wheat not a solution. Because it would sure work for me. Let's say it was good for 5 years and all i had to do is add timely fertilizer applications? Think of that for efficiency.

          Winter canola would be an interesting concept.

          Round up ready or liberty or Clearfield durum would be a nice addition for quality and purity to our customers.

          What are the solutions you are looking for?

          Funding of these r&d organizations? They are still getting money from the government under the disguise of being better investments for farmers. Haven't seen it yet.

          The better crops are coming from changing farming practices more so than better varieties.

          Watch the production of this crop and correlate it to 1988 or 2002. Then ask yourself if any roi has been made for farmers check off dollars.


            There is plenty of space here for your solutions tweety, if no one is offering what your looking for, contribute your solutions. I will read intently.


              Stop upov91 for starters that's the most immediate threat.
              Stop listening to people like yourself who defend these things.
              I guess what's obvious to me isn't to everyone.
              How can you agree there is problems and think upov91 is going to solve them.
              It's shit like this that ARE the problem by protecting big business at our expense.
              How in the hell is this going to benefit us?


                Upov 91 has passed
                So where were you guys in the last 3 years?
                Did you phone, write ,email your con mp?
                Did you join the NFU to help fight this bill ?
                (0nly FARM group against it)

                Or did you just sit back and think that the conservatives Always look after Property owners.?
                Turns out they look after intellectual property owners and Big Corporate interests WAY more than you peasants down on the farm



                  Yup duped again.

                  You elect people to care of your interests and for some reason they don't.

                  Mulcair 2015. No sarcasm I am serious.

                  Conservatives are and have been taking advantage of my vote far too long.


                    Goodrum, perhaps you're missing the small detail that UPOV91 has nothing to do with any of this.

                    Any seed company - including Tom4 - can enter into a contractual agreement with you defining the terms of your rights and limitations with regards to the progeny of the seed you are buying.

                    How do i know? Because even with UPOV78 you have zero rights and full limitation other then just selling the production of every bag of RR and Liberty canola today and everyday into the future - IF and its a big IF - you buy it and want to grow it.

                    How in any way will UPOV 91 make that situation any better or any worse? Just like 20 years ago, today with UPOV 91 you have no rights whatsoever. None. Zero.

                    UPOV 91 and the arguing about it is an absolute smokescreen that takes the attention away from contracting, and your willingness to wanting access to technology owned by any particular company.

                    So Goodrum, how in any way would getting rid of UPOV 91, shit, get rid of UPOV 78 too, help you in any way whatsoever? You will still have to sign a contract detailing all rights and limitations.



                      I really shouldn't have got into this debate/thread.

                      I really don't know wtf is going on.

                      My only real beef is that the conservatives have proven to be incompetent implementing anything good for a common peasant like myself.

                      I buy new seeds but ultimately it has nothing to do with genetics. More to do with timely rains.

                      Just try growing a crop with 3 tenths of rain since may 1.

                      Only one major ingredient missing and no amount of R&D will can or will change the weather.

                      If I was told on may 1 that I wouldn't see moisture until into late July. The farm would have even chemfallowed this year. My expenses would be about a tenth of what I have spent. And the fields would be clean since in the bare spots now there is still nothing growing. Which on most fields is about 50 percent and what's left is shit about 9 inches high.


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