Hobby, great points.
Hopalong, those days are still here on our farm, and I beg to differ on the unclean-ness. Our eggs are fresher than fresh, clean, and in VERY high demand.
Our kids are going to know how to grow their own food. They are going to have STRONG immune systems. They are going to know how to work, and enjoy the little things in life.
I am proud to be doing this for my kids, and for our health and to be providing a product that people die to have on their plates. In fact, we are expanding our free range hen business.
Hopalong, those days are still here on our farm, and I beg to differ on the unclean-ness. Our eggs are fresher than fresh, clean, and in VERY high demand.
Our kids are going to know how to grow their own food. They are going to have STRONG immune systems. They are going to know how to work, and enjoy the little things in life.
I am proud to be doing this for my kids, and for our health and to be providing a product that people die to have on their plates. In fact, we are expanding our free range hen business.