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ADO089 Guardian of Modern Agriculture

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    ADO089 Guardian of Modern Agriculture

    For how intelligent you claim to be, you just don't seem to get that agriculture is a business. We operate within rules, laws, regulations. Some break these parameters, some operate within them. No different then other industries.

    The fundamental principles that drive our industry are supply and demand, not much different then other industries out there.

    The consumer in the end makes the decision to purchase our goods based on consumer knowledge.

    Take for example some 300 lb slob glued to his television set, living off welfare eating bag of pork rinds. There is a chance he is eating your canola oil, my neighbours pig and multiple other ingredient suppliers products in the process. He created the demand element and we all stepped up with the supply element of the equation. All within the parameters of our laws, rules and regulations. That's a very simple example of the basic business we are in.

    I'm sure you are proud as hell of the quality grease he is eating that came off your golden fields of canola and i am sure my neighbour is proud as hell of the quality swine that he is chewing on. Nothing wrong with any of this, right?

    What I don't understand is your problem with questioning the regulations and the science that guides these regulations? You get all bend our of shape when we question the science. And you claim to fully understand these sciences (which I find very hard to believe as they are very complex sciences).

    And at the end of the day its simply that.....science. Science with billions of dollars of profits on the line with multiple stakeholders creating the push and pull effect of moving and shaping these regulations that guide our industry.

    Why Lakenheath? Like seriously, why?


      Not sure how to answer such a clear question Tweety?


        That's quite the essay. Lake, I'm flattered that you're once again obsessed with me. Believe it or not some of us are educated in science and understand scary stuff like chemistry, plant physiology and biochemistry. I'm not saying don't question the status quo. I'm saying don't fall prey to shitty "science". Here's the thing, once you know how to deconstruct a paper it get's pretty easy to tell the one's that have substance from the one's that are fishing expeditions.I have no issue with consumers buying whatever the hell they want. I embrace supply and demand, that's why 25% of my acres are now dedicated to organic production. So I guess I'm practicing what you preach. My original post was not intended to start a debate on the consequences of modern farming practices. It was to flesh out why some feel it's ok to judge others for practices they feel are inappropriate while at the same time employing them in some part on their own farm. As pourfarmer so aptly pointed out I'm guilty of the same but i feel not growing as much food per acre as possible is a far cry from producing a product to sell people that you feel is causing illness. Here's a scary science fact...those fats in my "greasy canola oil" are essential to many bodily functions, including brain formation and maintenance. If you'd like to leave your address i'll gladly forward you a bottle. In the mean time be sure to avoid beer and bbq beef as those are KNOWN class 1 carcinogens...or you can follow the scientific principle that the poison is in the dose and enjoy life a little. Have a great weekend big boy


          ADO's post asking people why they grow food they aren't proud of, meanwhile he continually slams organic production again and again but doesn't bat a eye when he is cashing his $20/bu organic wheat cheque, like wtf?

          Someone who tells you they understand all the science behind everything we do?? **** off.

          On another note, Tweety was your previous handle on Agriville WD9? The writing style and general attitude are very similar, one disappears and the other pops up.


            Why are you so susceptible to a literally PT Barnum carnival level of deception and woo?


              WD9, The exact same question I ask when guys like ADO spout bio-tech rhetoric from places like GMOanswers, genetic literacy project, or "We Love GMOs and Vaccines" facebook group. You guys keep up the circle jerk if it makes you feel superior to rest of use who obviously don't understand the $cience.


                Don't flatter yourself Adam and your swollen ego. I'm not obsessed with you, just got tired of reading your ignorant posts. And your constant hypocrisy. You should post pictures of your Phd's in biochemistry, plant pathology and whatever all you claim to be all knowing in.

                Not once did I bash canola oil, but the "Guardian of Ag" runs quickly to it's defence. It's like you are ultra paranoid. Calling canola oil used on pork rinds grease is merely metaphorical.


                  But if you don't understand the science, why do you default to so strongly believing its all wrong? And a conspiracy?

                  If thousands of studies show no harm, with not a single peer reviewed one that does and endorsed by every meaningful science and medical organization in the world, how do you possibly make the leap to believing Jefferey Smith who has no science background that GMO etc is bad?

                  It boggles the mind. Well certainly mine.


                    And I quote, "It was to flesh out why some feel it's ok to judge others for practices they feel are inappropriate while at the same time employing them in some part on their own farm"

                    A) You organic farming is completely hypocritical

                    B) You called a guy a dumb ass for spraying his durum multiple times with fungicide yet you use fungicide in some part on your own farm. How dare you judge him!


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