For how intelligent you claim to be, you just don't seem to get that agriculture is a business. We operate within rules, laws, regulations. Some break these parameters, some operate within them. No different then other industries.
The fundamental principles that drive our industry are supply and demand, not much different then other industries out there.
The consumer in the end makes the decision to purchase our goods based on consumer knowledge.
Take for example some 300 lb slob glued to his television set, living off welfare eating bag of pork rinds. There is a chance he is eating your canola oil, my neighbours pig and multiple other ingredient suppliers products in the process. He created the demand element and we all stepped up with the supply element of the equation. All within the parameters of our laws, rules and regulations. That's a very simple example of the basic business we are in.
I'm sure you are proud as hell of the quality grease he is eating that came off your golden fields of canola and i am sure my neighbour is proud as hell of the quality swine that he is chewing on. Nothing wrong with any of this, right?
What I don't understand is your problem with questioning the regulations and the science that guides these regulations? You get all bend our of shape when we question the science. And you claim to fully understand these sciences (which I find very hard to believe as they are very complex sciences).
And at the end of the day its simply Science with billions of dollars of profits on the line with multiple stakeholders creating the push and pull effect of moving and shaping these regulations that guide our industry.
The fundamental principles that drive our industry are supply and demand, not much different then other industries out there.
The consumer in the end makes the decision to purchase our goods based on consumer knowledge.
Take for example some 300 lb slob glued to his television set, living off welfare eating bag of pork rinds. There is a chance he is eating your canola oil, my neighbours pig and multiple other ingredient suppliers products in the process. He created the demand element and we all stepped up with the supply element of the equation. All within the parameters of our laws, rules and regulations. That's a very simple example of the basic business we are in.
I'm sure you are proud as hell of the quality grease he is eating that came off your golden fields of canola and i am sure my neighbour is proud as hell of the quality swine that he is chewing on. Nothing wrong with any of this, right?
What I don't understand is your problem with questioning the regulations and the science that guides these regulations? You get all bend our of shape when we question the science. And you claim to fully understand these sciences (which I find very hard to believe as they are very complex sciences).
And at the end of the day its simply Science with billions of dollars of profits on the line with multiple stakeholders creating the push and pull effect of moving and shaping these regulations that guide our industry.