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    How did you do?

    We got .48 in the last 24 hours. Biggest rain since I started keeping track this season. Hopefully help plump some seeds up a bit.

    Thebmarketsbthink this solved the drought. Feed prices in Lethbridge dropped significantly as well as most posted grains at elevators. Damage was done as far as I'm concerned and this will help fill what's there but won't had kernels or pods. Unless you were very late seeding I guess


      1.3 east of Moose Jaw. Won't do much for crops this year. But they are better than I thought a month ago. Basically at crop ins levels. Nice rain through a lot of southern Alberta. Hay market will collapse. Vvalk is right though, grain crops are what they are. But prairie wide 10-20% less than 10 year average. Not the total wreck some were thinking.



        Are you using a Samsung by chance?


          Getting to be too much rain here. It can stop now.


            Agree free last night it spun round and round north of the valley. We have water sitting in crop.
            To all who dream think what ever this crop is growing. Really peas are set canola has stopped flowering and wheat is set. Thin flax won't make shit but up yes the lentil crop is growing.
            Rest all the rain did was save sask crop insurance a big pay out.


              iPhone. Need to slow down is all. Will need more rain to make the grass grow again I would think


                Early seeded record drought middle of July rain moves a market?


                  They keep telling us the market needs volatility to function. Just under half an inch of rain in my yard this late in the game doesn't change my marketing plan.

                  This year on my farm price will mean more to the bottom line that volume(volume will be low). The jury is still out, until I know what's in the bin I can't say what price I'll be profitable at, it will be high none the less. What happens if I need $17.50 for canola and $10 for spring wheat? Rhetorical question...


                    We had 0.25 on Friday, 0.4 last Saturday with showers that makes 0.8 for the week. It has varied widely in our area all season. We've been fortunate to have had timely showers this spring and summer, always left you wanting a little more. From my travels it seemed that most crops were average with a few fields below average. I have learned not to put to much faith in producers who call crop failure before it is in the bin. Seen it too many times where they have stated they had a crop failure in July and took of an average to bumper crop in the fall. Really can't rely on these drama queens when making your marketing decisions, as many have never really experienced drought.


                      East of Red Deer rain gauge had 2.8 inches in last week. Up to this week we had 2.4. Very thankful for the rain it will fill what is there. I am guessing average yields..10 miles south of me one farmer said he had 1 inch this week and only 1/2 inch previous. Varies quite a bit. Hay was 25% of last year.


                        I will add an observation, had a couple neighbours work their land in the fall it resulted in spotty germination in their canola this spring due to dryer soil conditions imo. One pass seeding into stubble definitely payed this spring as every drop of moisture was valuable. Opener choice seemed to come into play as well. In our area lots of flexi drills atom jet side band and stealth twin row had more consistent germ than Dutch low draft but again just my opinion.


                          Yep, for sure, this year moisture conservation was key. I haven't seen a year like this since 1980, when we received only a few drops until 3/4 way through July. Dry is one thing, but parched is another when temps climb over 30 degrees and the wind is howling. Looks like high twenties forecast after Tuesday upcoming week. Just hoping for fill and toss in the bin. Good luck all dirt lovers. Farmaholic, glad you saw some moisture, maybe more on way today and high twenties might generate more systems. Go mow the grass now.


                            agreed. atom jet side band really shining here some of the new bgs struggling with clumps of canola in rows instead of even plants ? another 1/2 " here , sittin about perfect for rain , not like this area to get lucky like this , so just waitin for the hailstorm , lol


                              Make it black works in the parkland! Our burnt fields are still blooming canola and all worked fields last fall are doing real food! If your area is or has hD a drought before some time in the last 100 years probably not!
                              If you live in the flood zone getting rid of water is job one! The dryer the better!


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