With Mulcair riding high in the opinion polls a federal NDP government looks quite possible. My question is this at present all the gst collected by the federal government adds up to about the same amount of money as our interest payments on our federal debt, so any increase in program spending by a new government requires more debt or more taxes which do you want?
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I think this is why mulcair has a chance.
He represents working people.
The conservatives have been pandering to people like hunter harrison so much that a balanced budget isn't really a gold star event because the average person now realizes our infrastructure is so ****ed because of guys like that.
I think most workers realize we have gone too far ensuring that corporations make money for shareholders that it's time for a change to bring some balance back.
I will probably vote ndp because of my MP David Anderson asks questions like "...would you accept commercial rates on grain movement? ...." or says things like "... use the markets ...."
He has been told we are going to be getting higher freight rates as he watched a rail line get tore out in his constituency and did nothing. Well except download that infrastructure cost to the province and municipalities.
Secondly he doesn't realize there is no functioning market in canada. And their move to an open market was a half ass attempt. The graincos told them what to do without telling the graincos to use the canadian market for wheat durum and barley.
Then add in the gutting of farm programs and I think they have done enough damage to western canada.
A vote for the conservatives is a vote of competence for the railways harrison and mongeau as well a thumbs up for the graincos.
If that suits you stick with it.
What I see for the future of canada with the path the conservatives are on isis a greater infrastructure deficit.
Eventually someone has to wake up.
The number 1 highway between regina and swift current is an embarrassment.
The federal and provincial governments could have spent considerably less money fighting fires if they had a plan to mitigate fires in better years. Controlled burns around communities in low fire or wetter years.
And yet Canadians can contribute to fighting a war in either Syria or Ukraine that we gain nothing from. Nothing. Both countries will reduce our export prospects of oil and grain in a heartbeat when given the chance.
Spent $750 million on government ads.
Increased the national debt by appox 160 billion.
Gutted all farm programs PFRA, CGC, Aginvest, Agstablity.
Harper one trick pony, bet everything on oil and has now lost.
And your asking about increased spending?
I could hardly tell which guys are Left and which are Right.... LOL. Mulcair couldn't even look after his own financial affairs... Im sure he will put this economy into a nosedive!!!!! Just take a quick look at Alberta and thats a preview if the NDP get in.
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