DTN special report ends like this...
Jerry is a master marketer (in my opinion) and farmer.
"Taking out the July lows in December corn futures still leaves a considerable void to the lows made in the fall of 2014 using continuous price charts that reflect the lead contract. If December 2015 corn were the lead contract today it would still have about sixty cents downside risk. For someone with a good crop it could mean still $120 per acre downside risk. Something similar can be said for soybeans, but I will have to see more convincing information that the crop is as bad overall as some believe before picking a bottom no matter how tempting. I have tried to catch a falling knife before, and it is difficult. I will stay largely short futures from two weeks ago and covered for 2015 crops."
Jerry Gulke, President Gulke Group, Inc. For more info, go to www.gulkegroup.com, or click info@gulkegroup.com or phone 707-365-0601; 480-285-4745
I don't pretend to be smart... but catching a falling knife as Jerry says is no fun!
Don't stand in front of a fast moving freight train... and did I ever learn that lesson over the last 6 months!!!
Jerry is a master marketer (in my opinion) and farmer.
"Taking out the July lows in December corn futures still leaves a considerable void to the lows made in the fall of 2014 using continuous price charts that reflect the lead contract. If December 2015 corn were the lead contract today it would still have about sixty cents downside risk. For someone with a good crop it could mean still $120 per acre downside risk. Something similar can be said for soybeans, but I will have to see more convincing information that the crop is as bad overall as some believe before picking a bottom no matter how tempting. I have tried to catch a falling knife before, and it is difficult. I will stay largely short futures from two weeks ago and covered for 2015 crops."
Jerry Gulke, President Gulke Group, Inc. For more info, go to www.gulkegroup.com, or click info@gulkegroup.com or phone 707-365-0601; 480-285-4745
I don't pretend to be smart... but catching a falling knife as Jerry says is no fun!
Don't stand in front of a fast moving freight train... and did I ever learn that lesson over the last 6 months!!!