They didn't get rid of the cwb for us they did it for the grain cos and for the chineese etc that own and will own more of our farm land and therefore will be able to send grain directly home. There is not a thing stopping that from happening and it will, they aren't saying it now because they haven t bought enough but its part of their plan.
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Bucket. Who is your vote for then? Trudeau. Can't be serious. Can you imagine him sitting around the G8 table? Mulcair. Really can't be serious. Refinance your house 11 times? I agree, the conservatives havnt been perfect,looking at your list, but no govt is and look at the alternative. Just wait and see what Alberta looks like in 2 years. The business community is moving jobs and business out faster then you can blink. It's going to get ugly and no one is reporting on it.
Sadly you are right and I can't argue your logic today. But I will try.
But the problems in alberta didn't start with voting ndp.
It started with our so called allies wanting to shitcan the price of oil.
I think the conservatives are tired and what's more concerning is that 4 years from now I don't see a replacement for harper.
Better to cut the ties, get harper out and find a better leader for canada.
More importantly get mps that tell beauracrats what to do.
Do I think a vote for the ndp is right -no. But I have that right to do so and will.
My MP watched idly as a rail line got tore out in his constituency. His logic was you can't tell private business what to do. Well private business shouldn't send a 100 million highway bill to the province.
I can't vote for lack of vision.
There was a compromise for that area and my MP showed nothing after 15 years in Ottawa.
It can't continue.
Bucket. Going to go back to, your going to vote for a man to run the entire country and in a way part of the world, who has remortgaged his house 11 times. 11. How is that possible? Look at the ndps history on candidates federally and now in Alberta. So you really are just voting for the leader.
Saskatchewan was an ndp government for years. Be careful manitoba could be the next powerhouse in canada.
It amazes me that peopke can't look objectively at how things get done.
Much like building a house - it doesn't start when the hole is dug. There is plenty of work done prior to that.
But it's important to build a foundation.
Here is an example.
Lake diefenbaker. If that project wasn't done then it certainly wouldn't be done today. And saskatchewan would be a wasteland.
Vision by people that are not worried about getting re elected but doing good things for the future of the country.
Ask this - what legacy will harper and wall leave?
Shit on grant Devine all you want. Wall isn't even close to showing an ounce of vision for this province.
I must say this. Am I happy with EVERYTHING the conservatives have done or not done? Absolutely not. There is no party that is 100% right on. No party is going to appease all our hopes and dreams. But I do know this: There IS one party who has fulfilled many of it's promises, who has, in spite of many negatives, brought forward a lot of good things.
Remember the stupid money per vote program? Where each party got money based on votes? It has been phased out. Guess who raises the most funding still? I find it interesting how the left say they are the most giving, yet the left parties suffer without taxpayer subsidies. Kinda funny how that is. That was just an aside...
There is only one choice if you own guns, wheat, barley, have a family with children, hate high taxes, want Canada to have a strong world role, develop the north, push back against the climate change farce, put enviro whackos in their place regarding pipelines, etc. Imagine the others running things? I shudder that people actually think they would do better and do it efficiently.
I will for sure vote for a different party this election.Can never figure out how people can always vote the same way as their parents and never change themselves.Almost like politics it is a religion to some people.History has showed countries need a political correction every so often to manta in a healthy productive government.time to switch my vote for a political correction
I can't vote for mulcair - true.
It's just collateral damage that I end up voting vote an ndp candidate with mulcair as leader.
Anderson has to go. He's really not moved up after all these years.
The good news is I can't vote for Trudeau as there is no liberal candidate in grasslands. He's not ready. Lol.
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