no doubt,harper,the best of them all and no not happy with everything harper has done.ndp a lot more ineffecient union boys.the cwb gone is big for me,every year around 8 dollars for wheat,cwb never came close to that except one year.some of u tough guys with ur fake names if u gonna call me stupid say it to my face, see what happens.i think we can have an opoin without being called stupid.
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If Harper were to get rid of quota, he would certainly lose Quebec....and he can't afford that. So call an election, the rest will go away for a while.
Think its time we vote for people that hire a CEO for Canada.....and no parties allowed, all independents ...believe this party system really limits Canada!
Perfecho. You do realize for the first time in Canadian history, that a party won a majority without needing a single Quebec seat? Harper does not need quebec. I hope he does can supply management. Maybe we could then buy dairy products with some economic reality.
Harper haters, that's what most liberals and NDP are..... It all started a long time ago when they knew their leaders could not win without tearing down the credibility of Harper. I'll stick with the Cons. just the way my Grandparents voted. Vwalk and Bucket good luck with trying to sway my vote. I'll make sure I get my grandparents from the care home just to make your votes insignificant.
And maybe we should be looking at some of those environmental things...
Harper did say he would not destroy the quota system, but then he did say he would reform senate, build a pipeline and have everyone elected, not appointed...remember about 3 days after winning the last election?
I believe every party as something good..and bad, to offer. If our system was democratic, we would benefit from all, not just the dictator that wins.
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