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federal election and poll

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    "it is pretty obvious that no matter what this gov. does, farmers will still vote conservative "

    Obviously not. Seems there are a few on here that are so red, I'm wondering if I should be doing drills of the old 'duck and cover' routine.

    Seriously though, never thought there were producers out there with all their marbles? that wanted the government to legislate the profitability of every agricultural input manufacturer and logistical provider. Basically nationalizing all ag inputs.

    As a hardnosed capitalist, I would recommend investing in some of these companies that are so evil. I would imagine some of the dividend payouts could be substantial. That business model might even be the key to maximizing profitability - producing a product that people hate you intensely for, yet they still willingly purchase it.


      All the comments have merit. Not a single party has vision for rural Canada. Cons dropped the ball OR catered to BIG business. They have had years to make things right like transportation and fuel prices. the CWB result appears to be for grain co's. The center and left are for the climate change bullshit to **** us with carbon taxes. The dollar and stocks will tank with either of those gov's. Not a pretty picture, we lose some way no matter which is running/ruling/ruining the country. The hired CEO might be an idea...



        Lowest voting turnout in history???

        I know my MP works his hardest; is a kind and loving person... and can't be a magician on top. Neither can PM Harper. Working the levers of Ottawa is a difficult craft... for even the most gifted.

        God Bless Canada!


          I agree totally with your comments fjlip. The charismatic leader with new ideas and vision has been killed mostly by the way our system is now controlled almost entirely by money.

          I think people almost have it wrong in regards to the senate. When you have majority governments that are controlled and owned by big business or unions etc. you need some sort of counter measure. What else is there but an effective senate? Oil industry and unions don t like the senate because its a hurdle for control of parliament The problem is that governments know this and have made the senate into a marshmallow retirement haven, that was not its intention, so now like everyone else I m thinking boot it out if that's how its going to run. But that's not how it should be run.

          The real waste of money is our MPs if your going to have a system where none of them can have a brain of their own or are afraid to represent the constituents instead of their own party get rid of them. All these mps announcing all this buy the election money I didn't even know they were still mps haven't heard nothing about them since last time they bullshitted for votes.

          We may as well have Steve, Tom and Justin sit around a table and decide things out in the open because none of their mps can say anything anyway or vote different than the leaders on issues.


            On another thread errol says canada is in recession.

            Here's a question?

            In alberta because they voted ndp - it's the ndp's fault that things are ****ed up.

            So by the albertan way of thinking if harper gets re-elected is it harpers fault or where do they lay the blame?

            For me and the fact the conservatives are claimed to be such good money managers, they have re-mortgaged canada a few times since being government for the last decade.

            Not sure what most are missing but it's been harper that added to the national debt with no real signs of value for it.


              I am going to vote conservative. I will do so not because they have done everything right but because Trudeau and Mulcair would lead us towards more government, more regulation and more debt!
              Look at the Ontario provincial Liberals, this the most indebted non-sovereign government entity in the world.. Ontario and Quebec have 500 billion dollars of public debt between them. Mulcair wants a national child program much like Quebec's provincial one which is financed by federal transfer payments which originate in Alberta. Is Harper perfect? No he is not and does he have a vision of what infrastructure this country needs for the future? No he doesn't but I like his ideas better than cap and trade and other carbon control programs. Don't forget crops need co2 to grow. The only thing that will grow under the Liberals and NDP is government and your tax bill!


                But that's fear mongering. You don't know what mulcair and Trudeau will do.

                We know what harper will do because he's done it for 10 years now.

                Paul Martin lost to Harper's campaign that said "canada deserves better".

                Looking back I am not sure we got better.

                Overall that is.

                Sure the cwb and gun registry is gone but look at the infrastructure deficit created.

                Do I think mulcair or Trudeau understand it - no. But harper hasn't grasped it either. And with his record of **** ups he is soon to be doing the same shit as chretien.


                  How is what I said fear mongering? Mulcair stated he will raise corporate tax 3%. Trudeau has stated he will raise income taxes on the wealthy. Name one instance when either said they will cut the size of government. Kathryn Wynn is promoting the cap and trade deal Quebec and Ontario signed with California. They want us all to follow their lead. This is nothing but a money grab by the two most indebted jurisdictions in Canada.

                  Again Bucket explain how this is fear mongering I just repeat what I read!


                    Here is what I told a neighbor I got out of the conservatives ad about Trudeau.

                    "...Since the conservatives represent corporate canada is that the way they are going to look at my kids resume after he has his training that he isn't ready so he is coming to live in my basement because the conservatives have pushed this country into a recession. And won't admit it, so it's my kid with fresh ideas that gets shit on? Maybe those old ****ers should rethink their place place at the table? ..."

                    I am by no means endorsing Trudeau but I don't like what it's saying about corporate canada.


                      Hamloc: What gov't dept's would you like to see cut?
                      I think it is pretty trim or maybe even thin in most depts now.
                      At least it seems it is when you try to contact them or look at the work that is getting done.
                      So where would you like it cut?


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