Things are so great here and that's why our dollar has collapsed
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other leaders would surely be happy with another country's leader ,that sells it's own peoples interests, to their gain.
and how well would we have fared in the 08 meltdown if before it , the conservatives had run the show.
when the Cdn. banks wanted in to all the crap that sunk the US Banks .
Chreighton or Martin said no.
the conservatives were all for deregulation of the banks.
and Harper in opposition wanted Canada full in in the Iraq war.
because of not doing those 2 things
your dam right we fared a little better.
no thanks to the con.s
Our dollar hasn't collapsed, the u.s. dollar is abnormally strong. Our dollar has been a lot lower than this, it'll come back.a weaker can. dollar is better for grain exports, what are you actually complaining about?
The Canadian dollar hasn't collapsed according to the second last poster.
By any definition; the Canadian dollar has collapsed against the US dollar.
For those who have bought US goods, food and products lately; yes the Canadian dollar has collapsed.
And I; and all other Canadian consumers see a whole lot more US goods than any other country's product anyone would care to mention.
Geez; what logic
I thought like you at first... but history does not back up your theory.
Chretien Liberals thought Paul Martin was the answer... Mulroney conservatives thought Kim Campbell was the answer. Pierre Elliot went back to PM of Canada because leadership transitions are the toughest part of politics. Just ask the Liberals after Martin... that really worked out well for them! Ask Allison Redford and Jim Prentice in Alberta.
Talk is cheap. Leaders are special people who give up much... work hard for unusually sparse credit... and are disregarded by those who don't understand the talents needed to lead a nation of people.
The only thing harper has given up is the country itself.
He just said yesterday other countries policies are not working. Yeah I bet they appreciated that.
Meanwhile people believe a lower dollar is giving us better prices. That's not true. Best prices we had, happened when the dollar was at par and we could buy stuff at par.
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