Fx traders are not stupid. The question should be why has the cando been bid down so far so fast. There is a economic rot here that is never talked about.
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History also shows when conservative hit a low it is so low they need to change their name to come back.Harper is wanting so bad to be a great one .But great leaders lead a country not a political party.Do you think voters will like the long campaign with the obvious reason of trying to break the opposition.Leaving the country with no real active government.
We need to do what ever it takes to get our current account and balance of trade positive and do what ever it takes to balance the provincial and federal budgets.
I'd also eliminate transfer payments and restructure health care and education,flat tax individuals and corps at the same rate and make governments take a hatchet to their budgets but that's just me and if any official tried getting elected on that platform he wouldn't
If you folks are looking for rational logic... look no further than the USD and QE printing of $t's of greenbacks... spent on US federal gov. producing no increased GDP... just stimulating the US economy by paying federal workers more.
Like this is going to end with real productivity and output gains? Darlings Apple, Facebook, Google, going to save the US domestic market?
PM Harper and Conservatives try to get our many products to international markets without domestic bottle necks... and large market discounts... and are called evil dictators of ill repute. Facilitate Toyota building more vehicles here... and are called corporate sell outs... when Liberals are geniuses... and ND's brilliant strategy execution.
The socialist media won this round in spades... you lefties that claim to be good old boys...are proof.
What ever happened to earning an honest living...
Just remember... the measure of judgement you use for others... is most often used for you in the future!
Tom. Canada has always been centre left. Even the "right" has always had their toe on the centre line.
I wonder if the "silent majority" is a majority anymore??? Libertarians are few. Even the silent majority would say one thing and do another if it sent a benefit their way.
Perhaps its as simple as a redefinition of "right". Im damn certain my definition of "right of center" is a shrinking minority. By population, this country is a Europe sociopolitically. The cultural mosaic we were taught in school. The change in attitude from "the government 'could' to 'should'".
Ndp, liberal, conservative, I dont care anymore. I'm pretty sure most angryvillers are in a shrinking minority.
Sitting here and another PC ad comes on.Is there any way to find out where the donations are coming from that want Harper elected again.Is it corporations or individuals that have financial gain by Harper getting in.Railways etc.Or is all that available after when too late.
How do you monitor corporations or unions
Or oil from handing out Duffy sorry duffle bags of cash?
Newguy. It was the Cons who cut the corporate donations out, put a max limit of I believe 1100 bucks for political party donations.
The Cons get their funding from individuals and small business. That is why the ndp and liberals fail at fundraising: The left wing, contrary to their supposed tolerance and charitableness, is far less politically motivated to loose up the purse strings.
Just like the reason United churches everywhere close: The leftists simply do not give as much as right wingers, regardless of the cause.
Now, whether Canada is left or right of center, vs. the US?
It depends on what issue. The US gives their farmers payment after payment, they have all those goofy food stamps, etc. In that way THEY are more left.
Canada jumps on the social issue bandwagon. Gay marriage etc., far sooner than the US did. So in this way, we are further left.
Think about this: They elected Obama down there. TWICE. That should speak volumes.
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