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Rural Canada

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    Rural Canada

    todays time wasting topic yeah getting yeah getting bored only another week till can do light duties.

    Anyway do you guys suffer same crap mobile service or cell phone as you guys call it and lousy internet?

    internet costs 120 per month for 15 giga byte and its semi reliable I guess as long as you avoid 6 pm to 10 pm time slot but its slow as often get timed out.
    But I only have to go 150 metres from my house and zero we live on a hill and we can see tower 14 kms away annoying.

    drive into major town 48 kms away lightening quick. Friends come up from city "how can you put up with this"

    Its all on mobile network as sattelites are slow and unreliable and no copper cable network out here.

    guess Canada is the same a big supplier who has possibly 60% and another 40%

    years ago when internet and mobiles came to the fore say early eighties I thought big deal we can live without it hmmm how wrong I was unfortunately.

    whilst in Germany a few years back talking mobile phones and said mine costs around 100 per month I always buy the phone outright not a plan that pay phone off each month as part of bill. they couldn't belive the cost they said in Germany providers give you a phone as long as you sign up and way cheaper but guess that's a population thing Germany what 120 million people versus aust 22 million not sure.

    is it going to get ay better I doubt it.

    usual thing on my ranch can receive calls almost anywere but can only ring out in certain spots

    Been pleasantly surprised since moving to Manitoba at the quality of satellite internet service. We are getting over 5Mbps sometimes, rarely under 3Mbps for $58/month. Service in Alberta was supposed to be the bees knees with Government funding the infrastructure and we were struggling to get over 1 Mbps most of the time.
    Kudos NetSet Communications from Brandon - well impressed so far.
    Rogers wireless modem internet not so much - complete junk and incompetent staff.


      Rogers Rocket Hub here. 50GB for $100. Decent signal and lightning fast.

      Cell signal is actually quite good compared to some neighbors. Not going to try and bid on EBay auction at last minute with it, but good enough to check on certain sites and make odd call if need be.


        Interesting, my SIL spent time working in Vietnam, travelled around a bit-Thailand etc, everyone had a cell phone and service was excellent and cheap in less than rich countries.


          Our cell service sucks so bad here. Worse than any third world country. So bad, in fact, that I often wonder about even having a phone. I do not even have a smart phone. No data plan, there is no point. Even with a 300 dollar cell booster, no service most of the time. I have to go down the road 3 miles to get a half decent signal, and I am 11 miles south of the tower, not 145.



            our main provider has been to various public meetings and a black hole has been recognized. one tower in correct spot would fill a massive massive area.

            but there argument is there are not users out here to warrant it so called user say there not enough users because we don't have service.

            sometimes the telcos management and customer service staff have there IQ set at room temperature. Get out in the real world.

            guess fact remains rural customers are a very minute portion of there business


              I am thankful for good cell service.Has made life on a farm much safer.


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