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    I have a question. If you had an unlimited budget for lawyers and you had signed a contract to deliver canola back in the spring and the contract made no mention of Clever, could the elevator be forced to take it? I mean Clever is fully registered and legal to use in Canada.


      Very good question - I would imagine it will be pursued by a few.
      Changing the rules half way through the game is b/s .
      Something just smells rotten about this whole deal


        Seems funny Ritz didn't address all these issues when he modernized all the grain act and marketing act etc.


          all they gotta do is get rid of that useless liberty , or make it work again like it did before they took the foam out . that's where all the clever got used , or try the ams addition I guess ?


            I would say if you signed a production contract without the delivery clause of quiniclorac the company would be obligated to take your canola. This is a registered product and you are not doing anything illegal!!!!


              probably the only reason clever got registered in the first place is because bayer wants market share back . liberty is useless on cleaver unless you spray it once a week


                Do you guys really think the elevators and terminals are going to clean out pits, cars, boots, elevators, samplers and bins to prevent contamination?

                There is so little forethought put into the grain industry by this Gov't and all risks and liabilities are being passed back to the producer.


                  Breadwinner, I agree we need leadership from grain companies. We keep hearing about the Japan market, when Japan is only a 2 Million T market out of 15 Million. If it is such a premium market can’t we just find 2 Mt untreated instead of subjecting 15Mt to fear?
                  I was interviewed in this article: http://www.producer.com/2015/07/leadership-of-canola-council-questioned/
                  [url="http://www.producer.com/2015/07/leadership-of-canola-council-questioned/"]click here[/url]
                  I received an informative flyer in the mail from Pulse growers this past week about desiccation products and the need to be careful about MRLs before spraying.
                  Why did the Canola Council wait till June 26 to issue an alert, and then proceeded to bury it in its website? The Canola Council answered that it did not want to alert Japan; So was it trying to deceive its most cherished market??? And then tries to shame farmers who sprayed in total legality and who may try to sneak it in?
                  A warning to farmers in early June from CCC would have shown its true aim at protecting farmers and international markets. CCC screwed up and now is trying to put the blame on the supplier of Clever as a scape goat!
                  The Canola Council represents the whole industry farmers, exproters, crushers and life science companies. It should be able to encourage leadership from grain companies to handle the problem properly. Will it???
                  The Canola Council receives way to much funding from farmers to prove this incompetence. And the sad thing is that in the last 3-4 years it has done so many times!


                    furrow , a conspiracy, probably some thing to it.. never prove it , but probably.

                    just like the generic co.s inability
                    to get generics registered with the PMRA.
                    the fix is in.
                    (this is just a repeat of another site)
                    registrations that take 6 months in the
                    USA take 4 years here.
                    list of price difference . Canada and USA
                    Banvel 3x more in canada
                    refine 2x more
                    select 3x
                    folicure 6x more in canada

                    50% of chemical in US is true generic
                    Canada 15 %

                    all this with the blessing and help from our own govt.

                    if they really cared about our competitiveness and believed in open markets , here would be a good place to start.
                    ain't gonna happen.


                      What about free trade? You must be able to bring chemical across the border, then the price would equalize. If not, why not?


                        NEWS FLASH the canola in elevators allready has QUINCLORAC already in it!!!!!! This is why the whole situation doesn't make a whole lot of sense....are these companies trying to pass liabilities onto farmers when Japan figures this out????
                        How is it that when this product was in the cue for registration the elevators didn't let the PMRA know they would have canola marketing issues due to Japan not having MRLs for this chemical???
                        In my opinion farmers arn't to blame for using a chemical that was fully approved for use on canola in Canada. They buck is being passed onto Farmers and that is not RIGHT!!!! Being a approved chemical the export markets will have to change because contamination has happened and it will continue to happen. Something smells rotten in this whole deal!!!


                          What other line companies have this non - cleaver agreement in place for the new crop year ? Just curious ,
                          It was the ADM notification about not accepting clever treated canola that realy set off alarm bells . What is ADM position for new crop year now ?


                            JRI, LDM,ADM are taking the do not want it approach. Talked with Viterra Rep, so far they are getting you to sign a form stating it was sprayed it and they are going to bin seperate. So far that is the right approach so they can direct it into the markets that have a MRL.


                              Are you willing on betting your farm that there wont be mixups or your samples wont get contaminated leaving the possibility of you being liable for someone elses screw up?
                              This is just the tip of berg. Wait intil wheat and every other crop varieties have to be reported and charged for selling or you will be liable.


                                I'm thinking the best way to solve the problem is for all farmers to say their canola is sprayed with clever to avoid any legalities. The companies can't function without buying canola and it will show farmers stand in solidarity against these one sided buying agreements.


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