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Hmmm , wet weather ....

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    Hmmm , wet weather ....

    Its comin , for here, a day late but its comin. We went from 5-10 mil to possible 50. Not needed or wanted now.
    Some areas have had tid bits already the past few days. A few areas lots.
    Sucks its 5 weeks too late, but not surprising at all givin the year to date.

    Has anyone checked the farmers almanac for Sept/Oct ? It looks bad


      Sad thing is that all markets will see this again as favorable - even Tom. This will do harm to more than good on 50% of the crop - even or benefit only on 25% and slam 25% - but all will be good - rain is good - *** me I hate stupid people... Not you Tom but your on the edge of la la land and fairy tales imo.
      I know "hate" and "stupid" are strong words but just watch the reports and markets out in the next week from now.
      And I know my spelling and grammer suck - live with it or pass it.


        Ya farmers almanac looks not good.
        If you look at long term forecasts for the far north - it's not good 2 weeks out. We could follow 4 weeks from now.
        If this current here low sets up over Hudsons Bay later, we will be in trouble IMO. Cold weather always follows around the NW of a low and that may not be good for us at all before the first week of Sept. Lets hope that it blows through Labador and east.


          Farmers are too damn optimistic. We may be the only segment of the economy who is like that however. I see all my acres of canola podding long and tall and heavy and I sign yet another mortgage on yet another quarter of land. Then I watch the forecast for harvest go to hell and wonder what I was thinking.

          We are unlike ANY other industry! I'm still spending a couple weeks this winter with the wife and kids in Mexico. Life is short and the banks can wait...


            LOL - Tucker , yup me too - to a point I guess.


              Furrow, there is nothing stupid about it. Just as you describe, the "more damage than good " rain will be viewed as a beneficial to yeild. More yeild= more supply= lower prices. Trade money is made on handling and number of transactions. Price doesnt matter, the more they touch, the more they make.
              Only grain farmers like high grain prices. It takes away from everyone elses profits.


                Yup, I guess that way you are right. But it's people 'on the ground' that should know better that drive me nuts - but that's a crutch I have.
                People in desk jobs with no real foothold are the ones that need their heads completely pulled out of their ass - most of their 'expert' opinions just make me shake my head in disbelief in their comments on how things are or will / should be - it's actually laughable. Walk a mile in the other mans shoes... Just ask S/F or freewheat about the real effects of flooding rains the past 8 years. Or those of us that went through the drought of 2000 to 2003, or some of you that went through the late 80's. Or those that had less than an inch of rain from May till now - Rain now is fukin useless for this crop for 80% to 90% of the western Canadian crop - but I agree - the market will drive down... for now.
                It may help next year but that has absolutely no bearing on this years crop in the shape it's in, and those that have a brain to look at long term forecasts and what may be coming by early sept.


                  Maybe some hail will come with it 😆


                    We cannot predict the weather, it is still early. I have sat out many septembers due to rain, on the flip side, 2(?) years ago I never even wore a jacket the entire harvest.
                    Unknowingly, one of the best investments I ever made was a straight cut header. Even as an organic farmer, i use it more than the swather. I get nervous about snow sometimes, but usually my neighbor has 10,000 to 25,000 acres standing at the same time.
                    Because of the climate where we farm, My Dads advice was, do as much as you can in august because you may not get much harvested in september.
                    The weather (here) has been more reasonable the last 3 or 4 years so hopefully it will stabilize. Aeration has been a very helpful tool after I started using it early in the season instead of at the end of harvest as an emergency last ditch effort to to finish up.


                      Radar looks busy , the same area swamped a week ago getner again
                      Calgary east , north east looks heavy again
                      Good for pastures I guess


                        Foot of hail west of Olds, Ab!


                          Is that today again ??


                            3.8 inchs last week a inch monday and a inch so far today still raining hard,again tomorrow and saying more next wendesday.The crops defiantly don't need anymore but the hay land and pastures are loving it,so let it rain as far as were concerned.We wouldn't be saying that if we didn't have cows!


                              7/10 here , missed most heavy stuff - that was past 24 hrs


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