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    You didn't insult me with your comments about Harper, and I get that issues important to you have been address by him.

    The changes Harper has made are the ones that are most appeasing to his hard core followers, etc gun registry, CWB,. This keep his 25-30% supporters very happy and the donations continue to flow.

    I would ask the question as to what he has done for the county as a whole.

    Where are the two major pipelines, F-35 fighter jets, Navel ships, Senate Reform he promised. The TPP is falling apart so he calls an election.

    He has been in power for two recessions,unemployment for young people between the ages of 20-30 is over 13%, has ran up the national debt by 160 billion, spent 750 million on Action Plan Ads. The Canadian $ is at .76. Harper has turned his back on our Vets, by closing Veteran Affairs office and has not showed them the respect they deserve. Where is the 3 billion dollars the Auditor General could not account for in his audit two years ago.

    Harper has never had a provincial leaders meeting to solve problems but would rather pick fights with provinces with opposing stripes. Harper continues to fight constantly with the Supreme Court of Canada and challenges them over and over again wasting taxpayers money.

    Harper only goal is to put wedges between everything to splinter voters in every direction. This is not how a PM should conduct business.

    Braveheart, Stonepicker, Freewheat Tom4CWB, Breadwinner, if you guys are statified with this type of PM there's not much more to be said.

    Just to make it clear I DO NOT belong to any political party and have not decided for whom I will be placing the X for, but it will not be Harper as he has failed as a PM. So keep you lefty comment to yourselves.


      Trouble is, take away Harper, and if you vote, you HAVE to vote left, it is the only other choice out there.

      Neil Macdonald, a guy who absolutely HATES Harper, wrote an article for the cbc stating Harper and May won last night. I was shocked. This is a guy who detests the man, yet he said Trudeau failed, and Mulcair was very poor.

      For those who always say Harper has a my way or highway attitude. What about Trudeau?

      Well, here is a guy who is adamant that there are equal numbers of male and female mps. What if most women simply do not find politics that interesting? And what about his abortion idea, where you are not even allowed to run as a liberal, unless you believe in killing unwanted children?

      Yet Harper is the guy who is "y way or the highway?" lol

      Again, I repeat. Harper makes mistakes. Harper has issues I would love to see dealt with. But he is the best choice out of a bunch of scary opposition "leaders".

      Trudeau is running on his name and his hair, and loves the Chinese model of government. Mulcair is running against families and for high taxes. And May is running for the green peace tree huggers.

      I have trouble seeing how those alternatives are serious contenders to run Canada?


        The way I look at it is: what kind of leader do you want representing us on the world stage???? The leader is like a CEO in my mind, he has to be tough, non compromising, non wavering, no guff type of figurehead. This guy is not your buddy!!!! He makes Canada look like a powerhouse not a bunch of flip flopping wimpy cowards!!!!
        My Canada is not one with Mulcair and Elisabeth May holding hands singing Kumbaya or Justin Running his fingers through his hair and eating brownies between important meetings. I vote for Steven Harper because he makes Canada a real Country, when he takes a stand the world takes notice. OH CANADA!!!'


          You must forget Chretien and Martin, breadwinner! Now those were some real leaders! I mean, the proof is a proof, and we must ban handguns! That is leadership.


            May is actually pretty smart on a few things if she would drop the green agenda but then.....muclair freaks me out looks like a man who has a wallet that says bad mother****er on it


              And my no opinion turned into an opinion lol


                Considering May is opposed to GMO's, vaccines and WIFI she kind of came across as equal to the other left wing parties. Her and Trudeau seemed to have already joined forces.

                Weirdest part of the debate was Trudeau's closing comments where he went on a drama teacher session. Sounded like a Hallmark car reading.

                The oil and LNG pipeline portion was a good indicator of which parties would kill the economy.


                  What pipelines? Harper's not getting it done and he has been there a decade.

                  Mulcair makes a point about exporting oil means exporting jobs.

                  Why not build the refineries here?


                    Cost structure and transport.


                      Both husky in Lloydminster and federated in regina got government help.

                      Sure would be nice to have another competitor because with 50 buck oil and 1.20 gas someone is making tonnes of money.


                        That's how you say your taxes are lower, by oil charging excessive gas prices generating more gov revenue.
                        Smoke and mirrors.


                          Riders you are dumd as a stick!!! Gas prices at the pump going down because of low crude prices are like cereal and bread going down in the store because your wheat prices are down or fertiizer going down because natural has is lower. It is a different step in the supply chain and that step is making more or has not reached the lower hedged price of crude. Most oil sellers are hedged a year out or more so they aren't getting $50 oil into the system yet. Man you are a dumb!!!


                            Neither of the two saskatchewan refineries ever paid high prices for oil. It's all heavy oil and discounted.

                            Federated is making a killing.


                              Boy personal attacks. How long has oil been down? So we ll see 60 cent gas at the pumps soon. Haha if I m dumb your *** dumber by a long shot.


                                Debating the debate - how productive is that?


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