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    And remind us not to hire these hedgers who did all this forward hedging at such a high price if that is true they did because everyone saw the price of oil dropping. haha

    They really must have our interests at heart if they hedged to protect a high price for us, ahahahahaah lmfao!!!


      We all knew Harper tells our Conservative MP how to vote on each issue.But he admitted he tells conservative senators how to vote.What scares me is what about his appointments to the Supreme Court? That is exactly why political corrections are needed .Think some very good conservatives are not running this time because they went into politics for more than just being a puppet.


        We have a one-man government now. Watching the "Debate" won't change that. All one has to do is NOT vote for Harper.
        Game over, he'll be out.

        We in Alberta put in a new government...what a relief to get those tired old PCers out.

        I already know who I will vote for federally...why waste my time on stupid debates?


          Harper gets blamed for the "recession" and over spending by lefties? That's rich when the lefties are all about the environment and shutting down oilfields, sands, pipelines. Interfering with forestry development and agriculture anywhere they can pry their fingers into.
          I even have a highway upgrade project connecting Mb's second busiest US port of entry delayed until August because of some nesting bird might get its feathers ruffled if they started in June!
          Harper has flaws, no doubt about it, but there is no way Mulcair or Trudeau would do any better.


            If you want a country like Greece, just vote in the NDP or the Libs. Everyone will be living on the few taxpayers left farming in western Canada.


              Harper could have had an election to fight a budget on, back in 2008.

              He has a scapegoat now. But he decided to go with deficits.

              He has to own the deficits. He made those choices to stay in power. Has nothing to do with what was good for the country, it was what was good for harper.

              The lefties were not in power running deficit for the last 8 years. Harper was.

              You guys have it ass backwards.


                I agree with you Bucket, that Harper shouldn't have gone into a deficit after 2008.
                However, can you with a straight face, say that the Libs or NDP would not have deficit spent x10 compare to the conservatives? With nothing to show for it?
                Voting is not choosing the perfect government, its about choosing the best of the bunch. Even if you have to hold your nose sometimes.



                  "With nothing to show for it? "

                  And exactly what does Harper have to show from his deficits. Give me some examples where the money was spent!!!!


                    Harper has hung the savers and senior citizens to enable this overinflated or should I say debt-ridden false economy. On top of that he has piled on 180 BIllion of debt and slipped in the bail-in clause for the banks. It was his choice to follow this course rather than implementing restraint. How is this different than major leftism?



                      "...However, can you with a straight face, say that the Libs or NDP would not have deficit spent x10 compare to the conservatives? With nothing to show for it?..."

                      To answer that .... no doubt the ndp or liberals would have spent more. But it didn't happen that way. And harper continued to spend after his majority.

                      And I am getting sick of having to hold my nose because that's the best we have for politicians to vote for.

                      And forage makes a good point harper has nothing to show for his spending.

                      The transcanada is a shit highway. Rail service sucks and railways are still tearing out lines.

                      No vision for infrastructure except for a 2 billion dollar loop around regina which obviously has some paper bags involved.


                        Ahh, you got me!
                        Harper also has little to nothing to show for his deficit spending.
                        Soooo, lets make a less then ideal situation worse by voting for an even worse government.
                        If I were to have a choice I would still be voting for the Reform party. You can stand on your ideals and be standing on the sidelines a lot of the time.


                          I for one appreciate the good roads here in Alberta.

                          Most towns here had nice face lifts of mainstreet that will serve well for years to come.

                          We had swimming pool upgrades... recreation centres... seniors facilities fixed up...

                          The billions used did make Canada a better place to live and bring up our families. Sorry you didn't get your projects completed... did you work on some that were denied funding?



                            Harper is a Reformer who snookered Peter Mackay into giving up the Conservative party name.


                            Of coarse your riding got a few little goodies thrown it's way Tom, it's a Conservative/Reform strong hold. Your list really doesn't accounts for the 160 billion dollar deficit that has increased under your good buddy Harper. With that 160 billion he could have fixed the entire Trans-Canada not to mention many secondary highways.

                            Tom your facts are getting weaker with each post. Get the PMO to fax you some up dated talking points as you falling behind on all topics.

                            Happy thoughts Tom!!!!!!


                              OK. We have some clear choices.
                              1. Dont vote.
                              2. Vote for a libtardeesta. Every underemployed marginilized college boy will gain. Theyve been promising the moon to so many for so long well all suffer. They see themselves as the ruling class. Common denominator?? Not one of them have ever been self employed. Coincidence??
                              3. Vote for the oil companies bitch. Keep giving away our resources. Focus so hard on a pipeline you dont see anything else.
                              The devil we know? Or the devil we think we should be afraid of?



                                Shut in oil and Natural Gas COSTS Billions of $$$ each year. The one responsibility the federal gov. does have... is interprovincial movements of our resources. If the fed gov. no matter who it is... does not fight to get a fair price for our resources... they are breaching duty to the Canadian people. The taxes alone on lost income from the lack of arbitrage is $B's.

                                Not one oil company donates one cent to the federal Conservatives... it is against the law and has been since 2007.

                                And the 'money in paper bags' Conservative charge is wrong and slander The Liberals did get away with it....

                                If you folks do have proof of illegal activity... tell Elections Canada... they would LOVE to prosecute if anyone spends or gets one cent against the election laws.

                                The money laundering and currency control regulations are extensive... the Federal security services knows exactly where the cash goes... Terrorism is often found through large movements of cash.


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