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    At least treadue is blowing it. Waiting for the trump show.

    When is it on?


      Canada is rolling now. American in twenty minutes


        Harper admitted Canada is in a recession, the second one under him as PM in six years. The national debt has increased by 160 billion and your concerned by how Trudeau preformed in the debate!!!!



          So, cotton. I trust your judgement. What do you make of the debate?


            Yah yah forage thats me

            No opinion Free,put a gun to my heAd I'd say Harper

            Call me crazy but i dont think a government can steer an economy to much extent


              A Comment on CTV Debate Covrrage - kinda says it all.

              Enough Already
              Harper will pay for calling an election in the middle of summer on a long weekend. Families are trying to spend time together and having an extra month of political nonsense and talking about Trudeau's hair was completely unnecessary and expensive. Well that and the fact that he steered Canada into a recession and $180 billion in debt.


                If everything stays roughly on the course it is on, the Greens will steal left votes from the NDP, which will split the vote with the Liberals. Worst case scenario, minority Conservatives. But I am betting on us hardcore fiscal conservatives voting and putting another majority in.

                Sure not interested in the GST going back to 7%, if not higher.


                  Everyone paying attention at all, would realize that there would be an October election. We who do follow things, knew there would be an election this fall. I hope those who seem to have had no clue we live in a land of fixed election dates finally, refrain from voting. If they are that out of tune, I do not think they have the opportunity to make an informed choice.


                    Wow Freewhaet...they really do have you. Us "uniformed" knew there was an election, just didn't want such a long one...one that cost extra money, all because we have a PM who din't want to make a decision at the TPP, knew there was a recession, but thought he could avoid telling people if he called it early enough....wow...are your glasses rose colored or Tory blue?


                      I know then what you mean. You are talking the length of the campaign. I was meaning how the media and lefties feign shock over an election "call". A call everyone knew was coming in that sense. Yes, the length of the campaign is debatable. I do not think Harper is dumb enough to think if we indeed have a long term recession, that he could somehow "cover it up". He is a strategist, he is brilliant. And he has reasons probably none of us have even though about yet. It is how he operates, he has a fine tuned mind to political winds. Something surprising may be in the offing.

                      You hear what Mulcair said today in french? lol

                      He said that "Mom's staying at home, is not good for families." lol that is a good one, huh?


                        Spare me the "chill" freesheep your insults to sumdumguy and anyone that states an opinion about your employer Stevie wonderless frankly it's emberrassing to see someone so brainwashed and narrow minded to reality.

                        Beyond hilarious to see an idiot call other people stupid.


                          could not watch it. saw Harper for 2 minutes, blood pressure you know.
                          ( slimey smile just like Mulroney)

                          a little mulclaire , afraid he will
                          screw up we can't get rid of Harper.

                          trudeau, saw him boxing on the news
                          earlier yesterday. felt like gagging.
                          ( i guess if it worked for dad), Yesh
                          the country is at stake and he does a stockwell Day photo op for the women.

                          I won't be able to escape the election completely, but i will try my damnedest.



                            The posts your making about Harper would indicate your a paid Conservative TROLL.

                            "He is a strategist, he is brilliant."

                            Your portrayal of Harper as a Superhero is nauseating, and almost cult like. Some many posters have put out facts of how poorly of a job Harper has done as a PM and you come out statements like above.

                            Maybe that's how you get your extra income to keep the farm a float after all those flood years!!!!


                              Offside comments Forage. Can't you express your displeasure with Harper (one of the best PMs ever) without a personal attack on Freewheat, a guy who has obviously been dealt nasty weather and prevails no matter what because he just wants to farm and raise his family there?

                              Get a life.


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