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    Well Riders, freewheat has told us how he lives his lifestyle and the equipment he uses, now you tell us how you live yours. Sometimes the answers are very simple.


      Well Riders, freewheat has told us how he lives his lifestyle and the equipment he uses, now you tell us how you live yours. Sometimes the answers are very simple.


        I thought a couple years ago you posted your ag stability margins were low because of bad years.Were you in it then quit later as the government's kept making program useless.


          riders 2010, your a real piece of work!


            Riders I know frewheat and his tale is no lie. As for you your a good example of a leftie. Good at attacking ones character when you don't get your way. Why don't you tell us a bit about your life instead of insulting others. Some days I wish this forum had real names to the posts then you would hear allot less b*%%£<#*.


              Newguy. I WAS in agristability, until I recognized it was not going to work for me. My crop insurance coverage was bigger than any potential ag stability coverage.

              Wow, I am glad some of you believe in me a bit! lol


                I hear you Freewheat, I have been through the same crap over those years...we never had a complete crop failure but the wet conditions gave enough to half ass cover bills but never really let you get ahead. Things were looking average for us this year but once again mother nature is eating the low spots. Off farm income is keeping me rolling.


                  Well riders - not everyone has to try to live like a pretend Rick star .
                  Good in you freewheat - keep doin what your doin.
                  Riders does bring up a true fact though . There are many around here who could never handle more than one bad year now let alone 2 or 3 . They will fold like a cheap suit with the rock star life style that's goin on ..


                    Good example is the Cuban Ass - he was crying for a bail out in June for Christ sakes - but he his a big important farmer so he will most likely get attention - lol


                      Freewheat.i Don't farm far from you i don't think from what i gather here. I believe you. 08 hailed out 100% combined only to fill contracts that payouts would have killed me. 2bu/ac in good spots. 2010 only half seeded. Crop insurance said i didn't have to combine. No argument. I never revived an agristability check. To much hail insurance they actually laughed at me for taking hail insurance.then twts payout negated 2010 payout. Seems we get just enough to carry on for another year. Refinancing and extending out short term loans kept us in game. Seems like from comments on here many farmers have never had to deal with issues like this. BTW those crops i lost were some of the highest priced crops in history. Doesn't help when you have zero production. Thankfully it didn't make to much difference if equipment is 15 years old rather than 14.i just shake my head at sales like the rbauction sale yesterday with all that 1 year old stuff.


                        It would sure be nice if riders2010 didn't have to make everything personal and bother other posters on Agriville.

                        As far as rain goes, it can stop anytime now. Need heat.


                          OK, Rider a little harsh, but I think things are too wet his area, so cut a little slack.


                            I agree ag stability is not good if one diversified thier own farm .I am still in it but do not know why.Have cattle and grain.But my margins are decent so hate to quit now.If I had collected and ran margins down and with new trigger points it would be a no brainer to bail out of program.


                              Bang on tmyrfield. Bang on.

                              I gotta say. I appreciate the support from you guys. It is hard to see in text, but boy I get down some days, and I get a fair bit of understanding on here. Thanks. It means something when I am not even asking for it.


                                Bang on tmyrfield. Bang on.

                                I gotta say. I appreciate the support from you guys. It is hard to see in text, but boy I get down some days, and I get a fair bit of understanding on here. Thanks. It means something when I am not even asking for it.


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