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Reason to Smile

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    Reason to Smile

    Bids of $6.25 for new crop malt barley and peas hovering around $9.50. Lifetime highs for me, hope I can delivery the goods.

    Sun is shining. The last weekend to kickback and relax before the harvest machine starts to roll. Enjoy, it doesn't get any better! If you don't think so maybe try something different.

    And for me a brand new grand daughter coming home today.


      And for us a Granddaughter visiting for the weekend! Warm weather forecast.
      Have a great weekend!


        Most of the peas are combined. Started swathing canola today. No kicking back. PVR the Rider game and watch tonight.

        Knock knock...

        Whose there?


        Owen who?

        Owen Six Riders...

        Have a good day!!!!


          We have a new grandson, 5 days old, enjoying the farm life, warm evening walks with a full belly, to the greenhouse brim full of vegetables. How can life be better. And no Mosquitos this year, can you believe it?


            Yes,those days of intense smoke seem to have out an end to those little beasts..


              I thought that the extreme drought didn't allow them to breed, but it may have been the smoke. That smoke probably saved what crop was there.


                Yeppir! It's good to be alive in a free country! Gonna start getting busy this week. Oldest son is coming home from austrailia this weekend! Good times!


                  Nice to see the positive spin but Cargill is now at a dollar less on peas and dropping malt bids! To less than your talking! They will win as harvest gets going! Realist not half full or half empty!


                    Don't sell any if you don't have to. Thus time of year can be a bit of a price gongshow. But there were times prices were better off the combine. I don't think this will be one of them unless bigger factors than supply and demand influence prices.

                    Owen Seven

                    Go Riders.

                    Canola is pathetic. Swathing it greener than I normally would. I usually had a bit of shelling not this time, trying to create a swath that can be packed and settle instead of swathing tumble weed type plants that don't pack or settle. Going a bit riper would mean less time laying out there BUT. It is pathetic though. Best guess --high teens to twenty on the first half section. Second one may be marginally better (grown on better dirt). Cutter bar loaded with striped flea beetles and remaining leaves on plants show lots of feeding. If this is the generation that overwinters, yikes! I think I'll be ordering seed with Lumiderm or equivalent if there is something available.

                    Did I mention Go Riders? Lol.

                    Take care out there everyone. Work smart and safe!!



                      Good thing there is more than one driveway to choose from.


                        Once they fill the contracts that were shorted by the drought watch the prices drop as they are just back to back on sales your 950 peas are being used to cover forwards by the farmers that cant fill their contracts its those guys money in the spreads youll be getting not the grain cos. and they dont care if they have to bid 15 bucks to fill the cars cause it aint their money the're paying with, god help the poor buggers that forward priced and got wiped out this year .


                          Some guys must be in a tough spot with their bankers who may be forcing them to pre-sell in order to get a line of credit. Just my guess with price levels like we had this spring? Russian roulette in the grain industry for both farmers and grain buyers.


                            Their is a 9 in alberta to swift then a 8.80 this way for peas 9.50 is a dream now as with only trust the grain merchant for price your screwed but if you wait jan at 9.20


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