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CGC Reclassify 29 Wheat Varieities. I smell a rat!

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    When I read that I thought "Yep right In the interest of producers" No wonder they wanted to take that out of the CGC's mandate.


      Something is not right here... A lot of these varieties are staples in my area and have been some of the leading varieties on our farm. I like to try a new variety every year to compare my main variety and change when I see something I like better. Farm is currently 50% Unity; 30% Cardel; 20% Carrberry. My question is what are we as farmers going to do about this and all the other problems we are facing - complaining is getting us no where any one have some workable ideas.



        Exactly what I said to Commissioners and Minister about the purpose of the CGC... if it is not in the interests of producers... for a dependable commodity... in domestic and export markets... it (the CGC) becomes hot air and a waste of time and money.

        BTW... I will not forget this part of the CGC Act for a very long time!


          So why has the Minister refused to fill or. as I suggested increased. the "Office of Assistant Commissioners"? They were our real police in the grain industry.

          Or as advised by the Compas Review. that he ordered, Developed an Grain Farmers Advocacy Office?

          Is it because they would have to listen to someone other than the ones they choose to listen to?


            Its just a great way to get farmer, Yes we always have to pay and this one is a great cash cow for seed business.
            Buy new seed every year or two for the whole farm. Ah Canada what a place.



              It has alot to do with continuing to vote conservative on the prairies.

              Giving that job to people that now think they know what everyone wants without actually asking.

              Or ****ing it up when they do something because they don't look at all the facts.

              Sure I have voted conservative since I started voting.

              But their incompetence on issues like the railways, the open market and now this leads me to believe they are either getting bad advice or they are incompetent. I think it's both.


                So in this case is " In the interest of the Producer" mean the 'commercial farmer' or the SEED PRODUCER?


                  Judging by some comments and it maybe be taken as offensive I would say the latter.

                  I really don't know what the CGC does other than pander to every other group but average farmers.



                    The Seeds Act is for the planting seed.

                    The Grain act purpose is for commercial grain in domestic and export markets.

                    The CGC does NOT regulate seed cleaning facilities that only process planting seed. Although at times we were required to remind the Commissioners of the important difference between the two statutes and purposes they maintain. This was a problem because the CWB was limited by the Grain Act(all the words in the CWB Act had the meanings derived from the Grain Act by CWB Act statute)... and was never intended to regulate marketing of pedigreed Seed...

                    Since Gluten Strength has become a sticking point for end use applications... and the CWB is not directing the CGC to ignore this problem... there will be two quality specifications... One with high gluten strength varieties... The other class with lower gluten strength varieties. Classes ARE Determined by variety... some classes of Wheat that can all have the same quality; CWRS, CPS Red, Hard Winter Red, Extra Strong, Feed, and General utility class of wheats...

                    All can be exactly the same milling quality is certain circumstances if weather treats them in a way to get the same milling properties.


                      If you commercially grow CPSR, Cwes or utility, which are lower valued crops than CWRS in Canada, and sell them in the USA what are they priced against down there?


                        We have all heard that we need to listen to our customers . A huge percentage are choosing gluten free products . Can someone explain to me than for fabulous gluten wheats like CDC Go are being promoted from -" I have friends in high places " ??
                        Am I missing something ?
                        I too smell a rat - lots of em .....


                          Careful furrow that's a borderline offensive opinion. Lol.



                            I don't have Go CWRS seed wheat... and do not grow CDC Go. Go is a public variety... with no levies and royalties... which is why I mentioned it.



                              Tom, You should know the answer to my question.

                              If you grow commercial CPSR, CWES, or utility wheat, what is it classed as and eligible to sell and price as in the USA?



                                When I sold my families CWRS, CPS Red, and CWExtra Strong into the US... (All together in separate lots over a one month time period) it was all classed on US Customs documents as FEED... and paid to me at normal DNS prices. It was blended into US DNS and sent to US Mills.


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