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CGC Reclassify 29 Wheat Varieities. I smell a rat!

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    CGC Reclassify 29 Wheat Varieities. I smell a rat!

    The CGC is going ahead with a plan to reclassify 29 wheat varieties.
    Yes this is old news but I think it should be something that farmers start thinking about and what it means to their operation and the profit of the new seed act for seed companies and seed growers.
    First did any one really look at what varieties are Hooped or F$%Ked.
    Just some listed here.
    Ok these are ones I have used over the years and Funny they are some of our most popular old wheat variety from the last 20 plus years.
    So whats changed poplular very respected varieties are no longer good.
    My 5603 is one of the strongest yielders in our area year in year out. Yet its not good enough any more.
    So if their getting rid of good proven strong varieties for western Canada the question farmers have to ask is,
    Who is going to benefit?
    Follow the money?
    Etc etc.
    Is this just part of the new seed act to get rid of great varieties or make them feed wheat under a new system so farmers have to purchase new seed.
    I think we all knew this was coming but really didn't believe it.

    Not to worry sf3.

    Thanks to lobbying efforts there will be a replacement like faller.

    See that's what open marketing is about. Get government to indirectly help you sell seed by changing the quality parameters so every farmer has to buy new seed within 2 years.

    Take the most popular varieties and put them in another class so if you want to grow hrs you now get new better varieties to choose from. Or at least an American variety.


      Who's gona benefit ??? Tom - he has been there cheerleader ever since this bill was passed.
      The ave farm seed costs will drive up another 30-40% within a few years.


        The funny thing is Some or Most of the Varieties that are getting thrown under the bus were some of the most popular varieties ever grown in Western Canada. Now their shit wheat varieties is it just me or do others think that is hilarious.
        This is a WTF Moment in AG.
        Because my Replacements for 5603 both Carberry and Cardale will not touch the yield Ill get this year out of 5603. They will be close but the winner will be 5603.


          Reclassify wheat by gluten strength...is not getting rid of these varieties SF3... will be there to provide end users what quality they NEED. Lower gluten is good for some millers in some markets... and they still pay a premium for the quality that best meets their needs. Many ways to market milling wheat.... this is one, so relax. Grow what grows best on your farm!


            I haven't taken the time to read why the varieties were declassified, but I suspect gluten strength might be the issue. I remember Columbus being weaker on gluten.

            Customers of Canadian wheat have been disappointed with gluten strength of late. So maybe the rat you smell is the customer.


              I still smell a rat. It is a great way to get farmers to buy new seed and throw these strong varieties under the bus. You cant tell me you never promoted any of the ones being reclassified. Nice word for throwing under the bus.


                I haven't taken the time to read why the varieties were declassified, but I suspect gluten strength might be the issue. I remember Columbus being weaker on gluten.

                Customers of Canadian wheat have been disappointed with gluten strength of late. So maybe the rat you smell is the customer.


                  I still smell a rat. It is a great way to get farmers to buy new seed and throw these strong varieties under the bus. You cant tell me you never promoted any of the ones being reclassified. Nice word for throwing under the bus.


                    Ok, brave then explain why Russian and Ukraine shit wheat is picked up all the time and then they need Canadian to help blend it up with our better specs.
                    Brave have you ever grown any that are gone I suspect you have or your father did and they all were top varieties with big demand. So again here is the new Seed Act at work.


                      I wonder if flour millers want to use LESS Canadian wheat to blend up their junk wheat so it still makes bread. So they complain about "inferior wheat" and this is the result.
                      Customer is always right?



                        There isn't an elevator in western canada that can segregate all these classes. And done may not want to deal in them - then what - truck it a little furthur? Or switch to that new grainco approved variety?

                        What is wrong with you for cheerleading things like this. I get its good for seed sales but you realize the world came to canada for wheat like Columbus years ago for its milling qualities.

                        I would like to know what the parameters were to lower some of these varieties.



                          Not ALL elevators need to accept all classes and grades and types of grain. Does not happen now.

                          There are public varieties like CDC Go that have very high gluten strength... so be it... this is NOT about seed sales except in your imagination.


                            SF3, when I started farming (1978) grew Neepawa, Columbus, Ketepwa. One replaced the other as the next big thing. I wonder if those varieties would yield 80 bushel/acre guys are pulling off this year with Carberry, AC459, and CL859? One are farmer reporting 100 bpa from Harvest (also a low gluten CWRS).

                            Russian wheat is undercutting other countries offers. What's it like to be a farmer there with those returns? Maybe those guys should find AgriVille so they can complain with like minded comrades.

                            BTW, how do you know Canadian wheat is being used to upgrade Baltic wheats? That was an old wheat board tale. Our CWRS from this region goes mostly to US mills, not overseas.

                            You sacrificed yourself in the shitshow. Your trucks and men could have moved your wheat to the US or AB while you were at the Hawaii condo. Did you give them the winter off?


                              I believe Foremost a CPS variety which is very popular in my area is being reclassified. It does seem a bit odd bring in a new seed act and then reclassify so many varieties of wheat. I would say we are being f#*ked over!


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