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Drive south of Regina to USA and few States!

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    Drive south of Regina to USA and few States!

    Funny one thing is for sure south the crops start to drop off fast. Guy harvesting Canola at USA border last night looks like the trucker was having fun. Lots of peas coming off last night and Lentils. One guy had a fire extinguisher behind his combine so think he had a issue.
    Most piles in ND and Montana or elevator piles are smaller than last year. Bins seem to be filled like this example.
    Two 10000 in yard and three 5000.
    The tens are full with lids and only one five.
    Peas are shit all way down. Lentils not bad probably the farmers best crop of choice.
    Durum is thin till almost milestone then better then after the pasture at milestone it drops off fast as you go south.
    Canary is thin and ok thin. Flax the same.
    Canola short and some cut way to early. Yes its short and looks like they are swathing lentils. I guess get it off and move on to next year.
    In Montana some custom cutters had to turn around because of August Commitments back south. Winter wheat froze in spring and no need or timing was wrong for spring harvested wheat.

    So My thinking is Sask Crop Insurance is the big winner this year with very little payout because what's their is just above most farmers coverage or enough of coverage to pay their premium.

    Do they still have the huge subsidies there on their grain?


      Record crop drops below a certain level price wise and they still can predetermine a profit in the states.

      In Canada you grow a drought reduced crop coupled with poor prices and they say there are programs in place that will kick in when a farmer has started a different career.

      It's ****ing retarded.


        Only if you don't mind US$12-14K per acre.


          Stuff in Montana and west ND not prices like Iowa!


            So when those low prices for wheat are listed they get a top up? Not really familiar with how that works over there.


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