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The perils of renting!

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    The perils of renting!

    Never in my wildest dreams would I have expected the phone call that i got from my neighbor today... He figured something just didnt seem right and so called me to ask:
    Neighbor(M)- "hey, i hate to be a nosy neighbor... but did you sell some standing crop for feed?"
    Myself(D)- "No... its 10-14 days away from straight cutting, why do you ask?"
    (M)- "well you might want to do some calling around, because im positive there were 2 swathers going on it today when i wheeled past!"
    (D)- "holy ****, you better be joking!"

    As i was on the road working my 2nd job, I sent my wife, with small child in tow on a high speed mission to issue a cease and desist! She plowed through water runs, got out of the truck, and with a child in her arms ran frantically, jumping over swaths in an effort to flag down the cutters.

    For reasons that im still unsure of, my landlord decided to take the initiative to list online and subsequently SELL my crop out from underneath me! Roughly 100ac of a 1/4 section are knocked down parralel to the drill runs, surely to sit flat on the ground before i can finish getting my combine fixed to go pick it up. The guys who "bought" the crop were planning on knocking down 500 acres of the best crop i have this year. Better yet, said landlord was in the process today of fixing his swather up so he could go knock down the rest for himself! Thank god for good neighbors, and a determined wife though... if i hadnt gotten the phone call today just shy of half my crop would be GONE by the time i got home from SE sask.

    Im still trying to make sense of it all, but fu** me, what would posses someone to do this without my knowledge? All i can say is renting land is FULL of constant surprises. Just need to work not only a 2nd, but 3rd or 4th job to buy it and finally garner some control!

    End of rant... One seriously choked farmer from helmsdale!

    Well that's a new way to interpret open marketing. Holy shit.

    All joking aside that's just shitty.

    Not sure how you deal with that landlord going forward.


      Don you have a contract with the landlord? Are you current with the rent?


        Something seams off here. I assume you have a contract and if so what they did was illegal and both parties can be charged with theft and taken to court for any losses. Also would assume you won't have the land after the contract is up


          Rent is paid post harvest. Guess my point with the whole post is even if its a life long neighbor, never thought there was anything to worry about, etc. When renting ensure a BULLETPROOF contract... He's apologized, said he fu**ed up(his words), and swore to make things right, it blows my mind that somehow we got to this stage. Maybe the stress of hungry mouths to feed got to him? I just dunno. He never gave any reasons, just aoologized over and over again


            Bulletproof contracts aside though, the whole rental game is based on trust. Even with a lawyered up rental agreement in the future how do you place trust in that landlord going forward?


              What a disturbing story Helmsdale. Despite contracts, when trust is broken, like in this case, you can't help but be pissed off.

              I know exactly how you feel. We had some cows on share a few years ago. Our contract gave us all control including marketing. The auction mart phoned one day to say the herd's owners had booked the calves in a sale. We hadn't been consulted or, even informed. We put an end to the booking and set everyone straight, but, what goes on in some people's head?


                That's why Renting your always looking over your shoulder as always some one has their eyes on land your farming. If you own it its yours.
                We once rented some land and had our lawyer draw up a decent contract. They had their lawyer look it over all was great, except early in spring before we arrived the old renter who was a con from 100 miles away showed up in the middle of the night with two sets of dicers and seeded the farm.
                Went to court and We and the Landlord lost. Possession is 9/10s and even if the paper work was done to remove the renter the proper way the judge sided with the old renter and he got to farm it for one more year.


                  A registered interest at land titles is a must for rental agreements. The banks and others do this for a reason. It's not very common but it should be in the lease or contract that the interest will be registered. A farmer makes many financial risks and investments based on that interest.


                    Think he was concerned that he wouldn't get paid after harvest?


                      Ive had landlords refuse caveat.
                      Ive had landlords completely ignore a lease. How big before legal action pays??
                      Ive seen landlords get Alzhiemers and the family suffer from dumbshits.
                      Ive seen landlords want their share of the box corners and a little screenings.
                      Ive seen landlords take all the ad hoc payments.
                      Ive custom seeded and pulled calves for no thanks to have the land rented to somebody else. Ive seen wives worse than bat shit crazy.
                      Never had this happen quite yet although I was evicted during fallswork once (senility).
                      Feel sorry for you as there is no fix for spazzy, haywire, chickenshit stupid.
                      Landlords are in a way a partner and you cant always control what youre getting into.
                      Getting tired of hearing from the I own everything dont have to be stupid and rent **** all crowd. The post was about renting not stroking your own esteem.
                      Is there a correlation between wealth induced isolation and zero understanding of the other guy??? Hey my landlords got that too.


                        Landlords have their share of bad shot crazy tenants


                          Sumdum. Think he honestly thought he was doing me a favor. I prefer to curry my own favor. Payment post harvest is pretty much the norm here.

                          How does one go about registering the rental with titles?


                            I'm not saying this is what happened with you Helmsdale but I got caught up in the middle with no idea about 10 years ago.
                            I used to rent a piece right across the road from a neighbor/friend, he got hired on at a feedlot about 3 miles away and they started farming the land. I was disappointed (picked rocks, chopped straw, tried to build fertility vs previous summerfallow etc) but I understood he got to farm his own land for them with shiny green equipment so no hard feelings on my part (maybe a bit of jealousy in my MF1505 with no AC).
                            Near the end of year 4 he called me and asked if I'd cut and bale some greenfeed for him, I said sure (cause thats what neighbors do) and he pointed me at the piece I used to farm. I started cutting without a care in the world and after about 2 hours pickups started flying into the field. They'd park, watch me for a minute and leave in a huge cloud of dust. Nobody got out of the trucks or even waved at me (3 or 4 different trucks).
                            Turns out the local BTO hadn't paid rent for 4 years or wages for the last 6 months and this was the landlord/employees way of getting squared up with them.
                            It was a sign of things to come and there was a bankruptcy in the next season or so.
                            I wound up with a bit of custom work that year and rented the land for another 10 until he started seeding it down to grass for his horses. I can sit back and chuckle now but I felt like an asshole when I found out it wasn't technically his crop (until I heard the full story, wish I had a picture of my face when I heard the first part though, definately an "oh shit" moment).
                            Its not always the landlord


                              A guy like that MUST have shown signs of shadiness before that?

                              I rent from certain neighbors and we have nothing but verbal contracts. I have no qualms about it. We all have reputations and good faith in eachother to back it up. I suppose if you never really knew the guy? Several years back, I had put an ad in the paper looking for a bit of land to rent or buy. Had several phone calls, and turned down some land due to distance, but turned down some, due to the owners reputation, and some with another guy who asked such stupid questions that I knew he could not be trusted.

                              A guy who tries to steal your crop, does not just suddenly decide one day to do so. They are shady through and through. I wonder how much grain he has sifted off you over the years.

                              Avoid those types. Maybe that is why I farm less today? There are many of those shady sort of people. On both sides of the fence. I have talked it over with my wife who would be good tenants of our land in the case I was suddenly taken from her. Let me tell you, it ain't as simple as who would be the highest bidder. I got my guy picked out, and he will be surprised if something happened to me! Thankfully, there are many of the completely trustworthy types as well.

                              You gotta sort them out. Preferably ahead of time.


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