Alota heavy rain showin up west and south west now on radar . Been a challenging year with frost , hail , drought , now rain at pea harvest .
I had a feeling this year was going to be like goin 12 rounds with Mike Tyson . I was hoping I was wrong but 10 rounds in and throw in breakdowns at the absolute wrong time and a dealership that runs for the door at 5 pm ...
I just hope ole Jack Frost stays away anouther 10 to 14 days . That will be the final knock out for some.
I had a feeling this year was going to be like goin 12 rounds with Mike Tyson . I was hoping I was wrong but 10 rounds in and throw in breakdowns at the absolute wrong time and a dealership that runs for the door at 5 pm ...
I just hope ole Jack Frost stays away anouther 10 to 14 days . That will be the final knock out for some.