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What are you willing to pay for climate change?

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    What are you willing to pay for climate change?

    I read an interesting article today which stated if we are to avoid runaway climate change we must leave one third of the world's already discovered oil, half of gas reserves and 80 percent of coal reserves in the ground. It also stated according to the IPCC panel on climate change more than 70 percent of global emissions are already caused by energy use in cities. I guess I was a bit surprised because most enviro groups blame industry not cities.
    NDP candidate Linda McQuaig from Toronto was quoted for Canada to meet climate change targets "a lot of the oil sands oil may have to stay in the ground." In Alberta the new NDP government is starting consultation on new emission targets. All progressive politicians run down Stephen Harpers environmental record.
    My point is that if cities create over 70 percent of global emissions why is only industry targeted by our politicians? It is also obvious that a broad based carbon tax will need to be applied to more than just industry. All consumer goods with an energy component, one example is plastics will have to be taxed. Possibly a luxury tax on fuel guzzling larger vehicles or families with multiple vehicles. What do you think is fair? Keep in mind food prices will rise with increased transportation and production costs which will necessitate new government programs for lower income individual as they will suffer the most.
    Now I will be accused of fear mongering and maybe I am but it is obvious that we will have to reduce our oil consumption how much are you willing to pay to achieve this result?

    One more question, are climate change activists fear mongering when they predict rising sea levels and rising temperatures and resulting food shortages?


      They need to focus on massive fines for heavy polluters, big oil and manufacturing all over the earth instead of off loading that responsibility onto the average Joe Taxpayer - that's ridiculas 👎👎


        It works for mnp because they designed it for the federal government.

        Because it's just too hard to calculate your average gross income off a quarter of land over X number of years and expect a reasonable support program.


          But furrow big oil and manufacturing can pass those cost to who?

          It's from the same pocket.


            Why is it when I go to Regina it is always hotter there? Temperature sensors on vehicles register higher temps in the city than outside the city, even if they aren't accurate its relative.

            Maybe there could be incentives for car-pooling but everyone is too independent. Little Johnny has to go to the rink in the heat of the summer for hockey camp and Little Mary has to go to gymnastics, dance, music and swimming lessons.

            Maybe the Office towers could reduce the lights left on at night.

            Maybe new buildings could be built energy efficient and not half(or alot more) of their outside surface area not made of glass.

            Maybe not every person who shows up at a job site needs to take a company half tonne.

            There are alot of places for reduced energy consumption.

            You're right, its not "costing" enough YET.


              My apologies for the hard to read format. Just copied and pasted and that's what I got.



                But i want climate change. Winters suck.


                  Move away! ;-)


                    How much would I pay?
                    If the climate would warm enough to reliability grow corn and beans here, my net worth be what, 3 times maybe 4 times what it is presently? I'd pay a hell of alot of money for that.


                      =1 Coleville. I am not willing to pay anything, because it is the biggest lie and hoax ever perpetuated on the planet. I detest it as a fear industry, and am looking forward to the time when the projections fail so badly that people wake up already.

                      Trouble is, it could be 100 years, and I may never see this hoax exposed in my lifetime unfortunately.


                        What can I be paid for climate change is my question? We have perennial forages that bank carbon. We practice zero till, which again banks carbon. We could/would plant trees in any available space which bank more carbon and help clean the air.

                        All the above practices, and there could be more, should help slow down climate change. What should society pay us? Is five, ten or even twenty dollars per acre annually enough?


                          Braveheart if we got paid for carbon storage, that would mean less dollars for the carbon traders, carbon bureaucrats, and the carbon activists. Pfft, can't have that :-/


                            ColevilleH2S, ha, if Mulcair et al had their way the carbon pie should surely be big enough for us to get a share.


                              And perhaps in 100 years we may find out it was us that helped climate change along....and its too late too change...but I guess we will all be dead and it will be someone else's problem.
                              I don't know if it is a hoax or not, but I don't want to risk my grandchildren's lives on "it may be".
                              Lets do what we can....It doesn't all have to come out of the ground now to make us the wealthiest...we could take it slower.


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