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What are you willing to pay for climate change?

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    Hamloc, you are right - it is all smoke and mirrors that will end up crippling and even bankrupting the west.

    There will be little consolation in hearing the left admit that Harper was right.

    As if they ever would....


      My question is. Does your accountant really have to cost the same per hour as your lawyer??
      2016 will tell if agstability pays.


        http://www.therebel.media/environmental_hysteria_how_the_green_movement_is_e ating_itself



          The big ball in the sky... "Sun" is the real control for heat and cool downs for this planet.

          As one global warming enthusiast loves to say... "the sun is going to explode and swallow the earth"... eventually, and the science is settled on this.

          Solar activity maximums and minimums have no limits... this is settled as well.

          It is smart to reduce pollution... clearly. Polluting the country side with massive towers and propellers that themselves burn massive C02 to be built... as with solar panels as constructed today... are government white elephants that are being established to pay penance for our human footprint... by enlarging our human footprint.

          To refuse to allow for human activity as being a part of the ecosystem... whatever this is... and saying we need to return to pre-whitepeople-settlement standards is absurd/crazy. Is the endgame the requirement for people to leave earth and 'destroy' another planet... or just to depopulate earth of human activity/existence?.

          Earth has been much warmer, and had much more C02 in the atmosphere than now... lets keep polution down and be good stewards of the planet!

          The N word 'nuclear" could be a safe good supply of energy... long term safe energy... if we did not see need/fetish to make plutonium and ABombs,

          The climate WILL change... it always has and always will... of this we can be certain! Having a good healthy environment with water to grow plants... in a sustainable way... is a much more critical issue in the next 50 years! The bottom half of the USA, India, Eastern Europe and Russia... all are running out of easy water to keep this planet alive! Africa has been short of water for a very long time!

          This will be the big challenge for our grandchildren... in a global community... that has very different objectives than Europe and North America.

          Like the objective to wipe Israeli folks off the face of the earth... and death to America... which is the stated objective of folks in the middle east who we are just going to make rich and give the tools to exterminate ourselves.

          Ah,,, the solution to Climate Change! Iran and N Korea with nukes... backed by Putin!



            Tucker, if you know anything about elections or lotteries etc this list is provided by the company, not the firm that sends out the ballots or tabulates the results.


              Richard, I know they would not have made those lists. That voter list was obviously fraudulent and a reputable company would have refused to be involved with that joke of a referendum. MNP will NEVER get my business because of that.


                Tucker, you have that right and I sure don't care what MNP does, but why hold this firm accountable for a list that may be fraudulent as you are stating?

                How would they know who has passed on or not?

                You know as well as I do that permit number can be inactive for a number of years. Mine is a good example. Never sold any grain through the wheat board for a number of years prior to this election or removal of the board monopoly.

                If the post office agent puts someones mail in your box do you switch post offices?

                Stars, children's wish and roughrider lotteries had sent addressed mailings for tickets to my deceased parent for a couple years. Doesn't mean I don't support them going forward

                But maybe for you its different


                  So tell me why Ritz says it works the sask minister knows its horseshit and yet nearly every post on here has no idea what to expect and people are still worried if they do get a drivvling they may have to pay it back.

                  The only thing bankable about GOING BACKWARDS programs is we have an ag minister that either is misleading everyone or is a complete retard. imo
                  but hey elect them again right? and changes for the better will happen, how much has rail bullshit elevator grain seed bullshit cost all of us.


                    AgStability easy to fill out yourself. Who needs an accountant?


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