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What are you willing to pay for climate change?

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    FLASHBACK: ABC's ’08 Prediction: NYC Under Water from Climate Change By June 2015
    By Scott Whitlock | June 12, 2015 | 7:30 AM EDT

    New York City underwater? Gas over $9 a gallon? A carton of milk costs almost $13? Welcome to June 12, 2015. Or at least that was the wildly-inaccurate version of 2015 predicted by ABC News exactly seven years ago. Appearing on Good Morning America in 2008, Bob Woodruff hyped Earth 2100, a special that pushed apocalyptic predictions of the then-futuristic 2015.

    The segment included supposedly prophetic videos, such as a teenager declaring, "It's June 8th, 2015. One carton of milk is $12.99." (On the actual June 8, 2015, a gallon of milk cost, on average, $3.39.) Another clip featured this prediction for the current year: "Gas reached over $9 a gallon." (In reality, gas costs an average of $2.75.)


      Good post tweety, this whole fear factor is out of hand - the same crew that tried to fear the public with the Y 2 K - umm , garbage . There - I did it , no bad words .. Lol


        Al Gore and the man that the CBC star Suzuki have made multi millions with their lies and anti-Canadian oil agenda.


          Wow...good to hear people with open minds and looking at reasonable data on both sides.....


            Who is collecting. They are claiming that they paid out for the 2013 year but for most that was the best crop ever. Who is collecting and how? The other questions is how much money do those payouts represent relative to premiums collected?


              funny how folks opinions track the party lines, with Oliver and freewheat , rejecting it outright , in spite of a lot of science.

              I too would like to think there is nothing to it. for a lot of reasons.
              money in our economy. and do not like the cost of change , tired of freezing etc. etc.

              we have trusted science to get us this far, and now we are going throw it all out because we dc not like what it is saying.

              just think what the city's would now be like , if pollution controls had never been invented and mandated.
              (that's kinda science)

              we did not like em but ,where would we be now if nothing had changed.
              screaming Jimmy diesels belching black thru our cities.

              what background do we have to reject the science, other than we do not like it? seems a little head in the sand.


                Freewheat - "I detest it as a fear industry, and am looking forward to the time when the projections fail so badly that people wake up already."

                Won't happen - the models have already failed so badly as to be shown useless. However, in spite of possessing that knowledge,the IPCC refuses to change its mistaken course.

                Many people question AGW but are shamed into compliant thinking by those who run the AGW fear industry. Indeed our children are indoctrinated in this climate crap from the day they set foot into the public education system, making them useful, pre-programmed minions for the AGW fear industry.

                Even if the AGW hoax were to be factual, what we do here is completely negligible. Canada produces about 1 1/2 percent of the world's CO2, while China has rapidly grown to 25%.

                It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that if we were to eliminate our CO2 emissions, it would make no difference in climate change.

                Therefore, we could shut Canada down and still all die - how do you like that for drama!

                I am fed up with this defeatist, nihilistic bullshnot that we are fed by a brainless, mainstream media, corrupted, bought-off governments and failed politicians like Al Gore.

                Follow the money folks - one Liberal party booster here in Ontario personally stands to collect $430,000 when the wind turbines are all up and running.

                Do you suppose he's the only one who is benefiting from this scam? Al Gore has made millions upon millions. Suzuki can make far more money propagating AGW fear than by advocating for some responsible energy policy. Would you trust someone who got his degree by determining the average penis length on fruit flies? :-)

                There is a lot of pressure to conform to the popular but broken mindset of AGW. In spite of what it might cost you, don't be afraid to try some objective thinking on this matter.

                There, that's my venting session for the week and it's only Monday!!


                  Correction to the figure about the Ontario Liberal lobbyist - he stands to collect $430,000,000 - yes almost 1/2 BILLION dollars for his "contribution" to the cause.


                    Could be some who did not have a good crop and chose to sell at very worst time.
                    Still hearing that western grain farmers lost five billion over lack of movement.
                    Take it with a grain of salt.


                      Hopalong. I don't think it matters when people decided to sell. Isn't it Producer's production multiplied by the "program's" value for the commodity when they do the calculations for the margin?

                      I know of no one who has recieved benefits. What about the flooded out guys?


                        So it becomes clear - whatever it is that you are "willing to pay...", well, those dollars are going to make NO DIFFERENCE to the climate, and are only going to enrich the likes of Al Gore, David Suzuki,and our Ontario Liberal party booster.

                        Go ahead sheeple, suck right up to them. What you have done is bought into, modernized and continued the Roman Catholic, Dark Ages practice of the sale of indulgences.

                        "Theeese way, my seeenful Cheeldren", says the grinning Suzuki, "drop your coins into this box and you will receeeive forgiveness for your eeenvironmentalll transgressionsssss and saaaave yoooour soooouls..."

                        Different day, same bullshnot...


                          Hard to imagine that anyone would qualify for 2013 2014. Likely to get it all clawed back when error is found. Now I can see this year, a probability of a payment in areas with 6 bushel crops where reference margins are high. Should trigger, if it's anykind of program, but then take out the income from crop insurance, hail insurance and your calf-crop and voila figus mockem for you.


                            MNP the accounting firm that sent out CWB ballots to dead farmers thinks that everyone should hire them to enroll in Agristability. Shocking. In other news, water is still wet. Hope those articles were printed on soft paper at least.


                              What disturbs me the most about this debate is that Mulcair and other so called progressives single out industry because they don't vote and voters are told big business is bad and big government is good. The funny thing is over taxing and regulating big business like the NDP is recommending will eventually raise our cost of living substantially and leave our kids with no work and a dismal future. How does cap and trade in Ontario reduce the number of cars on the road or each individual's carbon output? It simply puts more money in the governments bank account and makes it look like they are doing something.


                                Even this year, I don't think it is bad enough here to trigger. I'd rather make it on my own anyway but would be grateful if I needed it badly enough it was there to do some good. I think a producer has to be in a REAL world of hurt for this to trigger.


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