I agree freewheat. Vote-splitting is going to put the Cons in again. If they ever get a clue and merge, Cons are screwed for eternity - too many lazy lefties in this country.
Voting Conservative. Voted NDP last time because my MP vowed to vote with the government and abolish the gun registry, which he did, and got his ass handed to him by Mulcair because of it. This next round I want to see the elimination of CBC funding, a showdown with the provinces over the Senate, a showdown with Kathleen Wynne and make things miserable for her remaining years, continued elimination of the border with the U.S., and more tax cuts. Elimination of transfer payments would be a biggie on the wish list, but don't think it would happen. Would definitely force provinces like Ontario to get their shit together.
Voting Conservative. Voted NDP last time because my MP vowed to vote with the government and abolish the gun registry, which he did, and got his ass handed to him by Mulcair because of it. This next round I want to see the elimination of CBC funding, a showdown with the provinces over the Senate, a showdown with Kathleen Wynne and make things miserable for her remaining years, continued elimination of the border with the U.S., and more tax cuts. Elimination of transfer payments would be a biggie on the wish list, but don't think it would happen. Would definitely force provinces like Ontario to get their shit together.