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What will Mulcair and Trudeau do differently?

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    What will Mulcair and Trudeau do differently?

    For once I would like a straight answer what will Mulcair and Trudeau do that will make my life better? How will increasing corporate taxes or increasing the tax rate on high income earners help my farm? Will legalizing marijuana or funding a national child care put more money in my pocket? How will electing political parties with their power bases east of the Manitoba border improve our chances of better rail infrastructures? Instead of continually running down Harper's record explain how life will be different under these two leaders!

    I think western Canadian farms got better financial support under the liberals and vanclief than anything harper has offered up and then gutted.

    Maybe these two won't make it better but one thing is for sure as I look back since my MP anderson has been elected is that it has gotten better by electing conservatives.

    Highway 1 from regina to swift current is an embarrassment. Railroads are still being torn out. And everyone is ignoring the chance to make rail logistics better and more cost effective with a smaller crop this year. And they have no transparency in the grain industry.

    Basically I am sick of having my vote taken for granted.

    Mulcair and Trudeau might make it worse but really it's not great now anyway.


      It will stop the appointments of Harper and clean house.A political correction .History shows even the USA has a correction between Republican and Democrats every 8 years at the most.It is about making politics work for the Canadian people.Transparency and true representation.


        Typo.... meant to say...Hasn't.
        Maybe these two won't make it better but one thing is for sure as I look back since my MP anderson was elected is that it hasn't got better by electing conservatives.  


          newguy you mean like the original trudeau did? Or Chretien? Or paul Martin? Or Mulroney? OR....

          So ya, bring on the next saint with pie in the sky promises. They all will make my life way better. At least till they are actually elected.


            We can all smoke up legally and forget about all our problems... and pretend to change the climate with Mulcair by paying 20 percent more for fuel while paying 20 percent more taxes... if the fuel does not get us... while doing 20 percent more paperwork for the extra union bosses about to be hired to make sure we save the world from radical red neck conservatives... all the while; while driving up Federal spending and deficits up 20 percent!

            Justin would win hands down of the two... he may actually put in some fiscal conservatives to help keep things on track... vs Mulcair.


              they probably can't do a hell of a lot to fix the transport mess.
              Mulroney sold out the nation in the FTA
              Making the railroad monopoly just about untouchable. Harper is following the same course in everything else, corporate control of markets. above the law.
              whether it is seed , chem. or transportation we will be paying a long time for the damage done.

              maybe electing some one else will stop it from getting worse.

              whatever you think of our healthcare system. The right wing Frasier institute came out that our system costs
              4,602 US$ per person, the US system costs 8,745 US$ /person.

              if you want to catch up to the Americans ,just keep voting for Harper.
              he is already signing deals restricting selling generic drugs.
              just think of the potential profits of 4,000 $ per Canadian to be had by Harper's friends with another Conservative majority.
              I am sure there is a lot more to sell out in this country ,
              so keep voteing for him.


                I actually agree with hamloc though, I do want to know what is all the parties stance on agriculture. We re all attacking each other and getting side tracked oh trudeau is too young his hair is nice, mulcair is a this and that, steve has plastic hair, I don t care what if they want plastic hair or nice hair or no hair, I want to know what is their vision for agriculture and rural Canada as a whole.

                Conservatives are assuming the carbon thing will first fly and second that it will be all bad for us, we actually have no idea what it will mean. If the international trade bodies demand food produced in a certain way we better dam well be on board as to produce it that way, not doing so may cost us a hell of a lot more than being arrogant.

                What is the stance on foreign ownership of evertything from oil to seeds of grain. I sure don't like the industry being given away to corporations as it has under the conservatives.

                Wheat board is gone and now guys making more money selling as feed, wow that sure was a positive wasn't it. why is feed more?

                I think the conservatives have failed in the trade deals, I feel agriculture has been used as the trading chip for steve to gain oil points in china and he tried the middle east but he obviously did something to piss the Saudis off because they have targeted Canadian oilsands and have shown that they control the industry. which begs the question should we be going full bore into oil when it appears oil will be a dud? Is this why steve without consent of parliament sent our troops into harms way over there?

                how can we get a good discussion going on these issues? how about candidate forums and lots of them lets see if your candidate can only read off a cue card or actually has ideas or represents your area.


                  If that's true about the drugs I'll be pissed



                    "Wheat board is gone and now guys making more money selling as feed, wow that sure was a positive wasn't it. why is feed more? "

                    Princess asks why this is a bad thing?

                    With the rain... it may be a really good blessing... if you were actually right... which you again are exaggerating... here milling wheat is $1 over feed.
                    Just sold 3red yesterday here for $5.77 from my condo... that isn't so bad... considering it is much above ND/SD milling wheat prices!


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