Harper has been rejected by the supreme court many times over the years.He has been appointing people into there as fast as he can in order to fix that problem.Now we all know his judgement on picking people.The Conservative Senators take orders from him and if he takes over the Supreme Court that would be third world politics.This is an example why the house needs to be cleaned out.And not a personal financial gain issue.
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The conservatives killed the agristability program. It's paying out money to people that need it least.
Anyone that had the flooding and now drought or whatever the loss will get nothing. Who got the 350 million ritz bragged about? One earth? Walls pals? Big ass farms? Or chineese investors ?
Their handling of the seed and chemical companies has cost our farm more than ever before. Talk about gov putting farmers in jail if a farmer grows his own seed what happens? Absolute bullshit.
There is no plan other than sell farmland to foreigners of which there was a act of corruption there also when certain land companies were formed just prior to the foreign ownership openness up. I don't want a chineese province within saskatchewan.
The railways are in gov pocket and when gov is in oil pocket it s cost us 100s of millions in lost sales interest costs but the oil industry has been served well
Big business and oil puppets is what we have for a government. Not to mention corrupt. It a the under the table government. Bought by highest bidder.
Killing wheat board has given total control to grain companies there needs to be the next step. Won't be with these puppets
Finally our mp has been a absolute joke scared shitless to bring out area concerns up. Seeing what's happens at the pmo office easy to see why.
Our pm has pretty much stood up and lied in our faces each and every day of this election according to conservative delegates themselves how they are still an option speaks volumes to some that obviously on the inside gravy train.
With all the misfortune you have had in the past 10 growing season, why are you still harping about the CWB which has been gone for three years now? To me you should be focused on growing crops suitable to your farms growing conditions. After 7 out of 10 years of unfavorable growing conditions whether the CWB is around or not is the less of your concerns.
As for your support of Harper, if your willing to support an all out lair go right ahead. Perrin, testified that Ray Novak knew and therefore Harper knew. If he lied about this what else is being covered up????
NDP Changes =
Less trade deals such as TPP
GMO labelling
More government intervention and regulations
Higher taxes
Long Gun registry 2.0
More pro Union bills
David Suzuki as paid environmental consultant
Oilsands slowdown
Government favours Palestinians over Israel
These are things most socialists and CBC journalists want.
The duff trial has really been a front for a Harper trial!!! Every news article is trying to frame the whole deal around Harper. They should be focusing on the real problem and that is about Duff misusing the public purse and being a fraud. The media wants Harper out because his well trained team doesn't leave tidbits for the media to play with. The lefties and the libs only hope is for this witch hunt to end with a burning at the stake. I think by the time the election comes duff will be off to jail where he belongs. Mulcair and Justin can't run on there platforms because they are out of touch with reality and cater to too many fringe groups. The masses will decide that Harpers slow and steady pace is the
smart choice, Not catering to the pride parades with Canada flag undies and toking up with the flower power groups.
" Harpers slow and steady pace"
Harper only PM to have two recessions occur will in power. Way to big of a complement to give Harper for adding 160 billion dollars to the debt. More like a down ward spiral would be accurate.
Breadwinner, are you comparing Harper with the Canadian economy to your granny moving around with her walker in the old folks home??
Forage, I hate to break it to you but Recessions can't be avoided. No trading country is immune to them, it's how you manage them that counts. Allot of that dept is thanks to the Libs and the NDP when the concervatives were a minority gov. They were forced to put allot of money into projects to keep people employed. I will stick with status quo and I'm sure you will keep in whining about minor problems. Maybe you should go toke on a Justin and chill out dude.
So it is interesting to see how Harper controls the world economy, causing two recessions and all.
Regarding the whole Duffy thing. What Harper did or did not know is not relevant. The money was paid back, yes secretly. Which is more than the liberals ever did, but then again, no one hardly donates to the libs.
Regarding the CWB. And gun registry. And income splitting. And child care. And lowering the gst.
These are things the man ran on, and followed through on. There has never been a leader who has kept as many promises as Stephen Harper in my lifetime.
With the other fairy tale parties, young Trudeau, and hairy monster, talking about re-opening the gun registry, and re-starting the CWB, I shudder. Thankfuly, these types do not keep any of their promises, so it doesn't matter I suppose.
Trudeau talked the other day about growing the economy "from the heart". Like WTH? What does that even mean, and why will he not offer actual numbers and ideas?
Mulcair said the other day, that a mom staying at home with the kids, is NOT GOOD FOR THE FAMILY!
Stop watching the cbc. Start googling the speeches on Youtube. You will soon see what a farce these other two creatures are.
You will soon see who the leader is.
Again. Harper is not perfect. He has not been conservative enough for my liking. He could do more. But these other guys? Are you kidding me? Between the outright love of communist China, and the outright hatred of human life and traditional family values and disdain for Christian values which helped keep this country strong until The elder Trudeau made a mockery of our constitution;
I personally have one choice. I am in shock that any farmer would vote for the alternatives.
One point being made here especially by ANTI Harper haters... is that PM Harper is a LIAR.
Excuse me?
How has Justin and Mulcair been given a pass on honesty and responsible governance... with the tolk and run policy... combined with the tax and hire environmental policies of ND/Lib gov across Canada... counting on income from Alberta and SK to implement these obscene policies! How is this anything but a huge lie?
Justin may decriminalize Weed... but my bet is he will not legalize as his supporters make way too much $$$... and don't pay taxes if it is not legalised!!! This is a big farce and lie...
If Mulcair destrokes our; BC, AB and SK oil economies: the IMF/world Bank will 'hang' their ND bodies from/in the nearest rainforest... Greece is the clearest example yet of Mulcair ND policy and where it leads a country!
Good Grief... the whole promise of ND/Lib prosperity and utopia can only work if these two parties work together... WHICH THEY WILL WORK TOGETHER... every realist must assume... if given a chance.
What a joke... Call PM Harper a Liar... when the replacement so called leaders Mulcair and Trudeau are 10x worse offenders!
Besides... what was so horrible about the Conservative Party of Canada returning $90K to the taxpayers of Canada... Duffy fundraised many times this amount for the Conservative Party... and expected them to back him up when things went sideways. Which happened. Till Duffy wanted another free lunch... and shot himself in the head with his tongue!!!
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