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What will Mulcair and Trudeau do differently?

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    New guy.

    I am not the keeper of Harper and his personal beliefs and family values. He goes to a church that is Biblicaly based and well aligned with my own faith. If he follows what his church and his Bible tells him, I am confident he does share very similar family values in a personal sense.

    However, Preston Manning explained well in his book, that in Canada, you need to keep your personal faith out of your politics as best you can, to which I agree. I think Harper does this exceptionally well. Otherwise we would be having civil war in this country over abortion and gay marriage.

    So to answer your question. I make the assumption that yes, Harper shares my family values.

    Some of the policy he uses to pass it along, includes the choice in child care program which offers equality to all parents, not just to those who have a mother who stays at home and raises the kids, but to those that work as well. The other is income splitting to alleviate pressure on single income homes, so that mom at home is rewarded a slight bit.

    Mulcair is all for killing the babies before they are born, and said recently that, "A mom at home is not good for the family."

    Harper allows free choice on the abortion issue. And then there is JR., who only allows for those who would rather kill the unborn to run for his party. No choice. You wanna run as a liberal? Well, you only can if you make sure killing babies before they are born, is your top priority.

    Yet Harper is the dictator? lol. Right.

    I am not certain of the relevance of the question. I guess I could ask you:

    Does Mulcair wanting moms out working rather than raising their kids at home, or Trudeau, wanting women to have free reign on killing their babies before they are born, align with your "family values?"

    I mean, I guess it goes both ways, no?


      Oh, there are consequences of killing babies. Just read the criminal code under murder.

      If you are talking something else, well society says you have already lost that battle, and it's a woman's right to choose. You believe in all forms of choice, except the ones that offend your beliefs. That, dear fellow, is a hypocrite.


        I have four kids. I saw them before they were born. They were wiggling in there, had heart beats, and I loved them then. Yes, I am free choice, but man made laws have made "choice" in this case, legal murder.

        So before birth, the baby is not a baby, but a fetus, huh? That is a sad way to think. It does not take "religion" to know the truth of the matter.

        A woman, and her right to "choose", is a watered down way of saying her right to kill a human with a pulse. All because either she couldn't "keep it in her pants", she was too selfish to actually deal with consequences of sex, or too dumb to use birth control.

        I am all for choice in most matters. But I am also HUGE on personal responsibility. There are consequences to screwing around, to having gay sex, or to doing most anything.

        If you can't deal with it, avoid doing crap in the first place. Millions do just fine keeping it in their pants, avoiding gay sex, or other questionable and potentially dangerous things that have consequences.

        So they can grow up and deal with it in a mature fashion. This means if you get preggers, you follow through.

        And please do not bring up ****, incest or for the life of the mother. I am talking here, about individuals who engage in practices that in the end, inconvenience their precious lives. Which is the reason the vast majority of abortions occur, due to the wrecking of the plans of the selfish.

        Hate the term, "a woman's right to choose." HATE IT!


          Getting Back to Biblical Principles!



            So you think using the pill is acceptable? Who made you god to determine what is good and not?
            I would think someone so extreme would be against it?


              What? Am I against the pill? Is that your question?


                And I am extreme? How so?


                  ...as the slope gets steeper and slipperier!


                    Maybe reread some of your posts and I think you ll get the extreme part but maybe not actually.

                    you claim to be ultra religious almost cult like following Steve because he s the same religiously as you. Which explains quite a bit to me the irrational ideas and excuses to follow another extremist.

                    Some ultra religious people would give anyone the shirt off their back and never have a negative word to say about another human being. But some other types claim to be ultra religious i think some weird way to portray themselves to everyone else as must be good and honest because they are religious yet if you listen to what they say they really feel they are smarter and better than other people and in fact look down at others which shows they are a fraud since no religion really does promote that. They also are always for or against things that suit themselves but are opposite on the same issue if it affects someone else negatively and not themselves.

                    Yes you are the ultimate reform extremist as you have admitted over and over. I think you are a bit confused when people say they want reform they don't mean extreme nut balls with their own agendas. They mean actual political reform where individuals actually do count. Where your mp does count. Where no union or big business or whatever holds the puppet strings to our government but actually the mps that represent all of us do. And most of all that the government of canada is not one man only!!!!

                    But in regards to birth control how is it that you are ultra religious yet state someone is too stupid to use birth control? I found that interesting. Are you saying you know more than your religion as to when a life is a life?


                      Mulcair is proposing a national daycare program modelled after Quebec's existing program. In Quebec they pay 7.50 a day and it costs over 60 a day to administer for a total cost to Quebec of 2.3 billion a year. Mulcair says he can do this program for all of Canada for 1.87 billion and a cost of 15 dollars per day to parents. Hard to believe he can do all of Canada for less than Quebec does for one province. Quebec's is payed for mostly by transfer payments originating in Alberta, with low oil prices Alberta will soon be a have not province and these transfers will end. Interesting times.


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