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Is this the start

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    Is this the start

    Global economies are shrinking. Stock markets are collapsing.

    Oil is tanking.

    More people on EI here at home.


    What was the general date for a gong show - the end of Sept ? Its not lookin good and sliding down .


      I'm pretty worried. Many forecastors where calling for something bad to happen this September and the stars are starting to align.

      There had to be consequences for global zero interest rate policy from the 08 crisis that nearly sent us back to the Stone Age. Seven years in and what I believe has happened is that inorganic future demand has been pulled forward and is now ran out of traction.

      The hamster spinning in my mind is wondering that global policy makers are scrambling and cheap oil and commodity prices are a policy tool to get growth going again.

      Evidence of this is in the disconnect between exchange traded crops and non exchange crops which paint a beter supply/demand picture and the commodity derivative positions of the major investment banks and the amount of physical vs paper trade which I haven't done all the work on yet partly because some of the info has been hard to find.

      I'm expecting the vix to move as a precursor to a market crash but with all the manipulation and out right buying of stocks by central banks i would expect the markets not to crash but they.

      Everything is so weird who the hell knows.


        But they might. And pretty obvious commodity stocks could not be saved. Deere is about to get donkey punched and crescent point is down 2/3rds.


          Ya just checked deere down almost 7 percent on the open.


            I was thinking about taking a short position on Deere and AGCO

            Think that is a good idea?

            I can't see central banks buying stocks forever... and the day they stop...

            Or do you think they'll just keep pumping ore paper onto the market?

            Isn't doing the same thing over and expecting a different result called insanity?

            Thinking forward pricing exchange traded crops may be a good idea with some options?


              Central bankers created this beast with their short-sited money printing policies. QE will go down as a major failure for the U.S. Federal Reserve.

              Now the piper has to be paid big time.


                Fall out due to Ashley Madison leak?


                  I'd overlap the cat chart with deere to give a better idea not sure but believe it was front running what is happening.


                    Having been paying attention because of harvest the vix is up 100 percent since Tuesday.....wow


                      Ya we keep farming expecting some one cares and needs us...only need food if FREE. Maybe it's the Jewish thing in Sept?


                        Monday shit gets real


                          Meanwhile Tom is watching Disney movies waiting for the next rain fill his crop at the end of Aug .. Yup nothin but time in the fairy tale land


                            Yup Furrow... dreaming again!

                            Just for SF3... since he had that huge pea crop... my Disney movie for the night!

                            Cheers! SF3! Happy Rains for ever more!!!


                              When it gets wet... this is how it is done!!!


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