Thanks for trying to answer my question.
I have seen a disaster with change at MMB.
In a dual market we thought we had a competative buyer when if we looked we clearly did not.
The best example I can think of is the auction system to decribe the sevice our MMB provided.
Like the auction system MMB/CWB allows you to sell all you can produce and risk manages debt.
Like the auctioneer price is of little significance to them, and what happens to the product immaterial.
Now a buyer who pays cash is different he now has an interest in price even the guy who just buys and sells wants to sell for more than he paid.
There is a greater debt risk here though something some people forgot about postMMB.
Pooling not only averages premiums but shares debt. OUch!!!
Lastly what I call a marketer.
This guy will search out new markets for my products and provide a service to my existing customers.
In our hast to be free of MMB we thought we had a marketer when we didnt even have a buyer just an auctioneer.
It doesnt matter what the law says what actually happen in practice.
What best describes your CWB?
It appears to me your grevances with CWB are that they do not buy or market.
Competing with a seller who has no interest in price is bad news believe me
Take a good look at your CWB if you are to run a dual market try to leave a marketer or at least a buyer even recognising a competative seller would help.
Thanks for trying to answer my question.
I have seen a disaster with change at MMB.
In a dual market we thought we had a competative buyer when if we looked we clearly did not.
The best example I can think of is the auction system to decribe the sevice our MMB provided.
Like the auction system MMB/CWB allows you to sell all you can produce and risk manages debt.
Like the auctioneer price is of little significance to them, and what happens to the product immaterial.
Now a buyer who pays cash is different he now has an interest in price even the guy who just buys and sells wants to sell for more than he paid.
There is a greater debt risk here though something some people forgot about postMMB.
Pooling not only averages premiums but shares debt. OUch!!!
Lastly what I call a marketer.
This guy will search out new markets for my products and provide a service to my existing customers.
In our hast to be free of MMB we thought we had a marketer when we didnt even have a buyer just an auctioneer.
It doesnt matter what the law says what actually happen in practice.
What best describes your CWB?
It appears to me your grevances with CWB are that they do not buy or market.
Competing with a seller who has no interest in price is bad news believe me
Take a good look at your CWB if you are to run a dual market try to leave a marketer or at least a buyer even recognising a competative seller would help.