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    HRSW and SWSW

    Hard red has become a joke along with Green Peas.
    Today - HRSW sitting at about $6,05 - SWSW at Huskey $5.50 ish . Greens at 7.50 and last I looked , yellows at 9
    Virtually no grade or protien issues with yellows or SWSW.
    Buyers will have remorse sooner than later in HRSW and green pea markets next year.
    Zero respect for high quality crops - or the fact the world could care less about "premium crops"
    When you can sell feed or ethonal wheat within a few cents of HRSW something is wrong - but it is the new reality

    Frustrating when zero ergot, zero fix #1 15 pro will make less than SWSW - again , second year in a row 👎👎


      Re: green peas.

      What drives me nuts is knowing what they "could afford" to pay the two years previous to last year and now. They made $12.00, plus, green peas work and now they can't? WTF?

      I don't think the world cares about quality Hard Red Spring. Grain markets can be like Walmart shoppers, only price sensitive, the cheaper the better.


        What will be the grading problems this year in wheat? Late season "untimely" rains caused some black point, supposedly caused by a fungus, in our CWRS. But still better stuff than the previous two years.

        You should always be a year behind marketing the current crop!!!!


          No frost in area and local grader at terminal said. If I didn't know better I would say their is frost damage in that sample.
          FM our grading system is F#$Ked and so are comments out of workers.


            yea , gonna be high yielding feed wheat and high yielding feed barley on this farm from now on . can't grow hrsw for $6 at these inputs and tired of trying to pick 4 or 5 days w/o rain to swath malt barley instead of desiccating it . tired of the BS grading of hrsw . swathing not a very safe practice in the NE


              For too long, our system relied on government regulation and orders to signal farmers what to grow and deliver.
              Every time somebody spoke out about it there was someone else to defend it.
              Like supply management, our politicians defend a policy that needs change.


                Caseih - many guys here doing the same.
                Good quality HRSW should be min $7 if the CPS/ feed wheat/ ethonal wheats are $5-5.5.
                Expense , protien and grade issues will soon make hrsw history on all farms .


                  If HRSW doesnt pay peas dont pay and canola doesnt pay, and rotation is Peas canola wheat, canola will farmers cut down to one trip to mexico in the winter or will they look to streamline expenses elsewhere?


                    I agree with Farmaholic, world markets are WalMart shoppers. That is why farmers need to expand to efficient large acre, large volume producers and sell for small margins.
                    This has been the trend for 15 years. The large farms in this area grow terrific crops and appear to be highly successful.
                    Just because the farm company breaks even doesnt mean the owner managers are not funneling cash into a safe haven. With all the land they own, vacation property investments and cash, they will retire gazillionaires!



                      I see an opportunity for you to grow high value organic hrsw.

                      They have taken away the ability for average guys like me to make a return on it. We are always told we compete against the black Sea values.

                      Wheat will disappear on this farm.

                      Then it's just a matter of time before good quality durum won't be needed either.

                      Canola input costs prohibit it on this farm.


                        I believe furrow that they are downgrading ours due to drought stress causing shrivelled seeds. Heat stress u name it they find a reason to screw us. Every year a different bullshit story.


                          Yup, I quit hrs and the malt lottery. Never been happier. And hobby... Good one! lol


                            I stopped growing wheat in my conventional years. I truly do not understand the romance with HRSW . It used to be the cash flow issues of the CWB, the visual grading, no delivery space, on and on.
                            The line companies dreamed up "heat shrink/stress" after a couple of harvest where it did not freeze until all the crop was off. IMO heat stress is a very good indicator of higher protein levels. Naturally this would lead to more valuable grain for the farmer so that cant happen. Downgrade it, then pretend like there is no room in the elevator for such an unpleasant thing. Wait 5 weeks, call farmer and say you are in luck we can buy it at a slightly less discount so more money for you. Ugh.
                            I have seen this movie over and over and over and over and over and over


                              .....and over and over and over and over again!

                              Sorry for being such and ass but I still despise the conventional buying system and what they are doing to the farmers.


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