I too found out there is a Canadian price and a US price across the border. It's only been three years and look what's happened!!! Oh I'm sure it will only get better for the wheat market here for Western Canadian produces. Just wait and see!!! Yup marketing freedom at it's best!!!
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How Canada’s grading system is ‘robbing ’ farmers of value
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Maybe it's a Forage price and a US price? I've never experienced that price difference. One thing I did experience though, was a neighbour who took his sample to a US elevator and was turned away, yet we hauled ours there. When I asked the manager what's up he said he just didn't like the guy's attitude.
Bigyentl, super Bs in ND don't work it's no secret. There are US companies that will buy your durum and import it via producer cars. Keep digging.
If you check out Montana Cash Grain prices below. Soory the cut and paste below did not work so well, they are getting about $4.00 USD for #1 DNS, 13% protein, so around 5.25 CAD.
They don't have the Canadian grading system. Is their grading system also robbing farmers? Blaming the Canadian grading system will not solve the problem.
Torrington, WY Wed Aug 26, 2015 USDA-WY Dept of Ag Market News
Montana Elevator Cash Grain Prices
Closing elevator cash bids for Wednesday, August 26, 2015. Wheat prices (HRW,
DNS and Durum) are in dollars per bushel, barley prices dollars per cwt.
**Prices not necessarily representative of all terminals within Montana**
Compared to Tuesday: Winter Wheat unchanged.
Spring Wheat 5 higher.
Durum Wheat unchanged.
Feed Barley unchanged.
Malt Barley unchanged.
Ordinary 11 pct 12 pct 13 pct
Billings Area 3.86-4.26 4.06-4.36 4.21-4.44 4.31-4.50
Golden Triangle 4.00-4.09 4.13-4.20 4.22-4.35 4.28-4.45
Great Falls Area 4.03-4.21 4.13-4.36 4.21-4.43 4.27-4.47
Northcentral Mt 3.94-4.28 4.14-4.38 4.22-4.49 4.28-4.69
Northeast Mt 3.70-3.97 3.80-4.07 3.87-4.15 3.91-4.21
Southeast Mt 3.31-3.90 3.41-4.00 3.48-4.07 3.52-4.11
US 1 Dark Northern Spring Wheat
13 pct 14 pct 15 pct
Billings Area 4.04-4.31 4.44-4.71 4.64-4.91
Golden Triangle 4.37-4.43 4.79-4.83 4.97-5.03
Great Falls Area 4.32-4.54 4.72-4.94 4.92-5.14
Northcentral Mt 4.33-4.44 4.73-4.84 4.93-5.04
Northeast Mt 4.00-4.24 4.40-4.65 4.60-4.84
Southeast Mt 3.84-4.20 4.24-4.60 4.44-4.80
US 1 Durum Wheat (Harrington)
13 pct US 1 Malt Barley US 2 Feed Barley
Billings Area -- -- --
Golden Triangle 6.50 10.00-10.25 5.25-5.50
Great Falls Area -- 10.00 5.00-5.25
Northcentral Mt -- -- 4.30
Northeast Mt 6.75 10.00 5.00
Southeast Mt -- nb nb
nb - no bid
na - not available
Source: USDA-WY Dept of Ag Market News Service, Torrington, WY
Kaye Orton, Market Reporting Assistant
Phone: 307-532-4146
Office email: Torrington.LPGMN@ams.usda.gov
1500m mlp
IMHO the CGC is very important as a whole. Although some of their work is rather redundant now in the open market system. Mr Ritz did not look at these and should have. IE: why have an office to report max cleaning and handling charges when they are all hidden in grain price and basis now?
One of the most important parts of the CGC was the Office of the Assistant Commissioners that was suggested under the Compas review that it should become at totally independent entity as a Farmers Advocacy Office. This was one off the most important tools that we producers had when dealing with conflicts.
Mr Ritz has done neither, He has not filled the chairs of the Ass't Comm. Office nor has he implemented a Farmer Advocacy Office. I don't see the value in paying for all these reviews and meetings etc. if the gov't isn't going to follow their recommendations.
In the US protein is discounted below 14% vs Canada at 13.5%. In the US discounts for moisture begin above 13.5 vs Canada at 14.5% (wheat). Some of my American neighbours are envious of these factors, especially the protein.
My 13.5px wheat that was 14 percent moisture... was 14.5px and 13.5 moisture in Montana. The CGC is so smart... they must do everything different than the vast majority of other countries... to 'prove' Canada is better!!!
news flash... we are a small player in the whole wheat scheme of trade... and do not fool anyone else but ourselves!!!
Our wheat is our wheat. It is what we make it... blend it, condition it, colour sort it... clean it... and how we can deliver it on time and ON SPECIFICATION... delivering what the customer needs to mill. Grading is all fluff... the millers find out in a hurry... what exactly we have... with the first few samples from our harvest each year. Offer prices are adjusted appropriately.
If a grower has wonderful quality... it is a responsible business decision to send out samples and search out a decent price.
If you have poor quality... hope you can find someone to blend up your crop... and give you the benefit!
Tom, we've had similar experiences with wheat protein and moisture Canada vs US. But similar in Canada. In fact we have 2 Richardson elevators in town and the same wheat sample tests a full point higher in px at one vs the other!
I agree on your comments on specs but will add that the customer's sample testing is still the ultimate call.
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