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Farming without Glyphosate

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    Well I don't know what happenned to the hog industry but I do know lake winnipeg and Manitoba were literal cesspools until they cleaned up the act there. There is a point where producing food has to be done in a responsible way. There is lots of complaint he by a few on here yet when I travel through Manitoba there are. Many nice prosperous farms and way better roads than saskatxhewan. But I understand there was some resentment when farm land was flooded to save winnipeg and there is no money that can build back what you ve lost and the time lost just getting back to where you were. That I understand.



      The Manitoba hog industry has wiped it's self out. The Manitoba Pork Council is full of over paid ex-Manitoba government employees with no vision, collecting large salaries. The barns burn down every time pork prices go down. So don't bring up a dead topic.


        I guess everyone ok with paying a lot higher taxes and borrowing our grandkids future away then vote NDP.

        NOTHING good will come from an NDP government for agriculture.


          Lmfao. Excuse me but somebody s paying for these deficits!

          Absolutely zero vision for agriculture except tease agriculture for oil deals.

          Too bad. Paul Martin wasn't still in finance.


            There is no way in hell that ANY gov't could be worse for agriculture than this ReForm Bunch !!

            I Don't want any govt to do anything FOR me
            But ThIs bunch has done ALOT TO US

            Although they've been GREAT at changing policy so Corporations Can get their hands deeper in our pockets


              NDP and Liberals will bring:

              More environmental regulations regarding fertilizer usage, seed treatments and herbicides.
              (Ex. Ontario with their Neonicotinoid Restrictions)

              Moratorium on GMO's.
              Mandatory labelling for GMO's
              Several NDP members have put forth private member bills for mandatory GMO labelling!!!

              Hof barn expansion red tape and restrictions. (Ex. Manitoba)
              Carbon taxes and cap and trade policies = higher fuel bill.

              When Jack Layton visited Saskatoon during the previous election campaign he stopped at the "farmers" market to get ag advice from the hipsters there.......


                Farming without glyphosate? There'd be so much dirt in the air Mulcair wouldn't be able to see his Hammer and Sickle flag over Parliament Hill.


                  Ban the use of Gly or ban the pre harvest use of Gly ?
                  We all need to ask some very hard questions - and very quickly. We all can make changes if need be - but don't fukin slough foot us 1/2 way through seeding or spraying - make it clear and make it clear now !!!!!!! Oops , I swore again - time to go to bed .
                  To ban the use of Gly altogether is stupid - it offers increasingly safe pre burn seeding options that only burning 50% or more fuel will do - hipocritical tree huggers 👎👎👎


                    Hey,,STUBLEJUMPER !!!


                    **** OFF OLD MAN, YOUR SO OLD, YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT, "...don't taze me bro!", EVEN ****ING RELATES TO !


                      The same Paul Martin that had a shipping fleet under some other countries flag to avoid Canadian taxes while telling the rest of us poor saps how to pay our taxes ??? That guy?


                        Hog industry did it to themselves in MB.? So the province wide moratorium on any new hog barn construction had nothing to do with it? c'mon lefties take a reality pill! And FYI the biggest polluter to lake Winnipeg is the city of WPG. itself, that's a documented fact, i forget how many 100's of thousand gallons of untreated raw sewage a day wpg. is allowed to dump into the red river. But wpg is where the votes are so their shit doesn't stink.


                          Talked to a couple hog producers and according to them the regulations were a pain in the ass to start with but in the end the positive perception of how the industry is producing hogs has been more than beneficial.

                          As far as cities dumping sewage in rivers this is. Not a ndp or liberal or conservative thing. There have been conservative govs in Manitoba or not? And regina let's raw sewage go to the fort quappelle system. And the entire sask river system stemming from Alberta is so toxic from city and industry waste you can only eat so many fish that are aupposedly within acceptable levels. At some point all this has to be or should be addressed.


                            And yes that is the same Paul Martin if a reformer had done that it would have been a good business move right? But that is an argument I wonder if that's been thought out when the Chinese are going to take resources directly out of our country by owning land here?

                            Our current government has to turn the radio on to realize whether we re Ina recession or not.

                            I also think it is not prudent or practical to state you re not gonna run a deficit. No one knows what the world economy will bring in a matter if days never mind over a year. Sometimes it a necessary for govs to lead the way.


                              So what, in the end we will grow what the consumer wants. And if that includes soil erosion and tillage, so be it.


                                The active ingredient in Roundup, glyphosate, was in March classified as "probably carcinogenic to humans" by the UN's International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC).
                                The weedkiller—used by amateur gardeners as well as farmers—is the star product of American biotechnology giant Monsanto.
                                "France must be on the offensive with regards to the banning of pesticides," Royal said on French television.
                                "I have asked garden centres to stop putting Monsanto's Roundup on sale" in self-service aisles, she added.
                                Her announcement comes after French consumer association CLCV asked French and European officials to stop selling glyphosate-based products to amateur gardeners.
                                Glyphosate—introduced in the 1970s under the brand Roundup but now manufactured generically—is the most-produced weedkiller in the world, according to the IARC.
                                The agency's evaluation of glyphosate saw "limited evidence" of a type of cancer called non-Hodgkin lymphoma, as seen in studies in the United States, Sweden and Canada conducted among farm workers since 2001.
                                The US agribusiness giant Monsanto strongly contested the IARC classification, saying "relevant, scientific data was excluded from review".
                                Royal also announced last week that from January 2018 phytosanitary products—used to control plant diseases—would only be available to amateur gardeners "through an intermediary or a certified vendor".

                                Read more at: http://phys.org/news/2015-06-france-sale-monsanto-herbicide-roundup.html#jCp


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