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Farming without Glyphosate

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    Has it got to the point where judgement is made based on the author of the post versus it's content?

    But most times, a poster will always sing from the same hymn book.

    I hope I'm not so narrow minded that I can't see the merits of each side of an argument/debate. No one is always right all the time, except spouses.



      Take a little drive through the R.M's Hanover and La Broquerie and see where and what type of land they are using for their spread fields. They built the barns so close together with not enough land to spread on, as the manure management rules to start with were based on Nitrogen and not Phosphorus. That in it's self is the problem, the over application of phosphorus compared to the crop removal rate. Therefore leading to run off.

      Therefore to many Hog barns with not enough spread acres.

      Stonepicker, as usual you talk about things you have no clue about. Oh Ya, you calling me a Lefty is a joke because, I have stated a few threads ago that I'm voting Liberal. Again learn to read before you TYPE!!!!!



        Vote for Justin is not a lefty move?

        You are kidding right!?

        the guy who loves China and smokes pot... and goes to colourful parades... is not a lefty???

        By the way... Libs will run deficits for 3 years it is claimed... a page out of ND playbook!

        It quacks like a duck, poops like a duck... and swims like a duck!!! I bet Justin will be better about Glyphos issues... than Mulclair... who simply does not care about us... unless we fit his sidewaysmold.



          "and goes to colourful parades..."

          Easy Tom, that's not very Christian like. There are many Albertan's who fall into that category!!!


            Paul Martin was on the other day backing Justin...says no one will know how bad Stephen's books are until they have some time to look at them.
            He said Stephen really screwed up as the budget was balanced when he took over.....


              A vote for Justin is not just a left vote. It is a far left vote.

              Like, FAR left.


                Spending money on infrastructure SHOULD have been DONE under harpers gov'T , to stimulate economy (it worked for U.S under FDR)
                But this bunch decided to spend our infrastructure money on fancy blue action plan ads


                  Corps used to pay a very much higher rate of tax, middle class didn't....but one person could stay and raise kids, most people paid cash for their next car. Then Reaganomics came into being....much lower tax for corps, so they could buyout competitors and pay CEO's ghastly sums of money.....which was better???


                    And people forget why the books got out of balance. I will refresh the memories of those who have forgotten: It was a minority government situation. The libs, the ndp, and the bloc were threatening, in fact were about to vote themselves in as government, and Mr. Harper prorogued and caved to the demands for a huge bailout package, in order to keep Canada out of the hands of Jack Layton as minister of finance, Stephan Dionne as PM, and Gille Duceppe as who knows who.

                    THAT is what got the deficit financing going. It was not Harpers first choice. It was his only choice. Can you imagine the likes of Jack Laytoon on the purse strings? Dionne as PM?


                    People tend to forget who and how we got into the deficit mess. Which has been slowly but surely marched out of. At the same time as taxes have been cut, not increased.

                    Remember the Dionne carbon tax? He wanted to tax our flipping breath, with Paul Martin's blessing.

                    And we all know how Paul Martin "balanced" the books, correct? He was finance minister when the liberal party THEMSELVES, stole 40 some odd million of tax payer dollars. I do wish they would pay it back.

                    Just a refresher for those who seem to have forgotten the actual history of what happened.

                    I guess PM Dionne would have been fine with y'all? And finance minister Layton? Wow.



                      The other three parties didn't hold a gone to Harper's head. He could have called a general election, BUT,,,,, Harper didn't want to lose power so he prorogued parliament to keep the power. Harper would rather add $55 billion to the deficit in one year to continue to be the PM, a job he never had a clue how to do.

                      Freewheat there's your history lesson. Get the facts straight if you want to teach!!!!!!


                        And he DID call an election. And he won a majority, because Canadians are not THAT silly.



                          Harper prorogued parliament in Dec 2008, the majority you speak about happened in May 2011. Nothing to do with each other.

                          Again Freewheat if you want to teach, know your facts before typing misinformation. Oh Ya, I forgot that's the Con/Reformers style of doing things. Maybe reread the PMO talking points!!!!


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