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Farming without Glyphosate

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    So where were Paul Martins ships located? Under what counrty to avoid paying high Canadian tax's. Hmmm cant recall ....don't car - but it's 100% true.
    Oh , ya while he was Canada's finance minister tell us to pay tax's for this and that - the average Joe - you and me!! If you have no issues with that ??? your fuked.
    They are all con artists - for you guys to say one is better than the other is soooooo hypocritical.
    I have never said one is better than the other - just a state of claim before some baffoon tries to butcher me - IMO - throw them in a bag and mix em up - they all came out smellin the same.


      You can twist my facts by making assumptions all you want. I really don't care.


        😂 Justin committed political suicide this week declaring $10 billion per year deficits of Liberals are elected.

        Maybe he was serious when saying " budgets balance themselves".........



          The Ottawa mutiny by the Lib/ND/Bloc coalition DID affect the outcome of the 2011 election... contrary to your wishful thinking. Same goes for your blind ignorance on ND Agriculture policies... especially Quebec political arrogance that believes the West owes them Billions$$$ while they can play an environmental cat and mouse game... at the expense of the rest of Canada. Mulcair is the biggest problem... for Alberta... ABPremier Notley has delayed the Alberta Budget... to fit Federal ND strategy on the Federal election Oct 19. If ND Mulcair got in... it would be a whole world of hurt for Alberta... with Mulcair running both levers of power!

          AND just because PM Harper was forcing political parties to become more responsible and raise their own money... instead of taking a political payoff out of the public purse. ND's were front and centre with the Bloc... and they rolled Liberal leader Dion in... without Liberal Party approval.

          Glad you brought this up.


          "ame to this
          Andrew Coyne
          December 3, 2008

          – The opposition parties did not have to bring down the government over the fall economic statement., whatever “provocations” it contained. They chose to. They had other options (aside from simply agreeing to rely more on voluntary donations, and less on the taxpayer). They could have proposed amendments. They could have stalled, filibustered, tied up parliamentary business. They could have demanded the resignation of the Finance minister. Instead, they went straight to the nuclear option.

          They did so, as has since become clear, not because they were forced to, but because they could. They — the Bloc and the NDP at least — had been planning this for some time. All they needed was the pretext, and the government gave it to them. Leave aside that surreptitiously taped conference call. Our own Mitch Raphael was reporting a month ago on the nascent coalition plans.

          It’s clear that the NDP was the one driving this. The initial Liberal response to the statement was much more cautious. It was the NDP that first declared “war,” forcing the Liberals to fall in behind them. Layton, in effect, rolled Dion. And Dion rolled his party: the whole deal was cooked up out of Dion’s office without any apparent consultation, either with the national executive or the various leadership camps.

          – The government shares responsiblity for the mess we’re in, then, but only indirectly. That is, it should have guessed how the opposition would respond. It should have known what they were up to. It should have been more careful not to give them the opening they needed. They, too, had other options: they could have delayed implementation of the party funding changes, for example. But it’s a tactical error, not a moral one. There’s nothing wrong in principle with requiring parties to finance themselves.

          And there’s nothing wrong with tying it to an economic package. In the next few months, possibly years, governments are going to have to say no to a lot of interests (unless it is proposed that they should bail out everyone).

          Is there not something more than a little unseemly in the image of a political party continuing to feast at the public trough, even as it is pushing others away? “Sorry, there’s no money in the till for you. But there’s just enough for us.”



            "You can twist my facts"

            That sums it up prefect, and in this case "your facts" are completely inaccurate.

            Typical Con/Reformer attitude. History lesson over.

            Tom4cwb Sour g****s, the majority of Albertan's have spoken and you can't handle the outcome.

            Live with it Tom, you got four more years of it. You should show a little happiness and gratitude towards the privilege and freedom in being able to vote, and live in a democracy. All this negativity is not good for your health.

            Have a great day !!!!!


              If Freewheat is the one making up facts, it should have been easy for you to refute him. I noticed you chose to name call instead. Ad hominem is the choice of those who've lost an argument.


                What a tangled web we weave... when we practice to deceive...

                AB NDP Leader MsNotley during AB Election; When accused of taking orders from Quebec MulcairNDP's;

                MsNotley said:

                "“I think that’s entirely incorrect,” she said, laughing. “I haven’t spoken with Thomas Mulcair for months and months.

                “I’m taking my cues from Albertans and I’m taking my cues from what I think is the best way forward to build Alberta’s economy.”

                Premier Notley must have been texting Mulcair and his minions... or perhaps she was communicating by e-mail instead of talking?

                Clearly Premier Notley in the ABCampaign gave the shrewd appearance that the AB ND's and Fed ND's were different.

                I distinctly remembered these comments... and took solace in MsNotley's response. Fool that I was.


                Prentice went further, telling a party fundraiser in Edmonton: “We don’t need a pipeline policy in this province that feels like it was scripted by Thomas Mulcair.”

                Notley, casting an early ballot in south Edmonton on Friday morning, dismissed the attacks.

                “I think that’s entirely incorrect,” she said, laughing. “I haven’t spoken with Thomas Mulcair for months and months.

                “I’m taking my cues from Albertans and I’m taking my cues from what I think is the best way forward to build Alberta’s economy.”
                Mulcair has been a polarizing figure on pipelines in Alberta. He has said he opposes lines that ship raw product for refining abroad and he would rather see more upgrading of crude in Canada.

                Notley has said her party would fight for pipeline approvals, but would marshal limited government resources to lobby only for projects that have a realistic chance of success."


                  Reference for above quote:
                  May 1, 2015 4:11 pm
                  Prentice suggests Mulcair scripts Alberta NDP plan, Notley laughs at attack

                  By Dean Bennett The Canadian Press

                  That was May 1; election was May 5.

                  Majority landslide was due in big part... to those very comments.

                  I had hoped MsNotley was telling the truth. The "that’s entirely incorrect" was a convincing deception... at least at face value... from actions that have occurred since the May 5 AB Election.

                  What a sad day for Alberta. MsNotley had a responsibility to come clean. Ms Notley chose to deceive; her actions speak volumes NOW.
                  Were Ab voters gullible? I am convinced they were on May 5 2015.
                  Fooled once shame on YOU, Fooled twice shame on me.


                    banning roundup is the best thing that could happen,
                    it has put more farmers on the dole than anything else since the reaper was invented.
                    roundup makes any idiot a good farmer, even corporations now believe they can run farms.


                      My God tom I ve seen poor sports before but give it up already. Are you trying to draw a comparison to the lieing at the Pmo office? Pmo officers are calling each other liears because anyone with half an ounce of brai can see what happenned there.

                      Alberta is still on the map and always will be. Its a great province in a great country maybe work with the government that all those dummies according to you voted for. People are fed up with the elite rich running and owning everything and keeping the rest down just working from pay check to pay check.


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