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Joining some bad company.

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    Your one to talk, all those so called committees you were on in your earlier days, did you not present papers or did you just collect the pay cheques?


      pourfarmer, its all on the web journaled.


        No one is going to comment on the perhaps wasteful trashing of old research papers being compared to a nazi book burning or a khmer rouge cleansing?
        Quite a leap id say.


          I guess we don't need any research if it's all found on the web.


            Good Grief...

            You guys complaint is kind of like complaining someone healed a lame man on the Sabbath... and are calling for him to be put to death!

            Next are you going to call for income tax returns to be held for 50 years... so we can tell what happened back whenever to your neighbour... ?

            Published research is great... you must admit it has a shelf life... as methods and genetics change in our production systems!!! I bet if you asked about specific papers of interest to you personally... someone would be glad to give them to you... and let you store them in your library!

            Would you ask and expect your children... and grandchildren to read these papers? I Sincerely, doubt this is part of our cultural fabric that needs to be preserved.

            Hitler and book burning! Using this rhetoric/comparison; Just shows how weak your complaint actually is.



              And how old is the Bible Tom?? Should it be burned and destroyed??

              Do you not follow the Bible's scriptures??? It's hard to tell by your reply to me in the thread "Farming without Glyphosate" Does "Love thy neighbor as thy self" ring a bell??? Does God not love all his children????

              Tom, I guess the teachings of the Bible only apply to you when it suits you!!!




                That was an interesting rant... as far as I can see... did not address anything I wrote!

                zGrassy opened saying...

                "Following the example of the Nazis, Khmer Rouge, Taliban and other lunatic regimes the Harper's lot have taken to burning books in their attempt to destroy knowledge and science."

                My statements stand! Comparing PM Harper to: "Nazis, Khmer Rouge, Taliban and other lunatic regimes"; is absurd and = to slander.


                  Forage farmer your an idiot!!!!!' Cleaning out old library books is not a crime. How come whenever Tom has a valid argument you guys jump all over his religion????


                    Tom4cwb and Breadwinner

                    I can't help my post went over your heads. Just read the reference I made to Tom's post on "Farming without Glyphosate"
                    Then connect the dots and maybe you guy's can figure it out, Better yet call each other and maybe the two of you can get then.

                    Breadwinner when you resort to name calling it paints a picture that your not able to come back with anything of value to a thread. Call Granny she'll explain to you how that works.

                    As for Tom's religion, posters wouldn't bring it up if he had provided all the facts of his WRIT at the very beginning!!


                      Can one of you NFU/Liberal supporters give us an example of one of the destroyed/cleared out pieces of literature please.

                      Off the top of your head, name me one single piece we have list forever, that was needed in 2015. Thanks in advance!


                        I mean, this is the NFU complaining. It is kind of like the CBC. Out in left field and irrelevant to most clear thinking Canadians. Just how many NFU members are there?

                        Is Kyle Corny chuck still a member? Nettie Weibe?


                          Kind of what I figured.



                            Joining some bad company. You are right on... your freinds qualify as bad company... and looks like you agree with them (NFU) and joined with them. In the measure you folks use to judge... this will be used to judge your group; Grassy.


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