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Pre harvest and barley???

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    Yup, its feed. I quit fighting for quality. Takes a load off my mind!


      HeatLQ is approved for use on feed and <b>malt</b> barley.

      Did you try that? Burn down goes from 10 days to 2 weeks to 7 days to 10 days.

      If you forgo the roundup then you can keep it for seed also....


        Klause. Heat is registered for Preharvest on cereals but MRLs are not established and it is NOT recommended. I had RR canola regrowth in my wheat and I was told to NOT spray Heat as neither JRI or Viterra would accept it.


          Doesn't do much if anything to grasses


            Have some flax that was hailed and came back with weeds.Was hoping to spray in 10 days or so.What should I use that is registered? Not worried about it for seed as have other stuff that is clean.



              If you want a fast burn... Reglone can't be beat. Roundup is slow but cheap and kills thistles etc...

              Heat does about NOTHING on cereals by iteslf... in my peas I left a corner and could not tell any difference between Heat and Check with no Heat on wild oats. Heat Worked well on evening up 2nd growth on peas. Heat alone (30ac/case)20gpa-H20)Pea straw was way tougher than Roundup Heat (40ac/case10gpa-H20) tank mix on pea straw.


                BTW, the Heat/Roundup pea desiccation took close to 2 weeks (peas were 14.5 moisture at harvest date)


                  Ok thanks.was hoping to use heat and roundup. But I better check with elevator first as another post mentioned heat may be a no no.


                    Heat is NOT allowed on flax. PERIOD. No MRL's established. I had a long talk to BASF rep. Being registered is not the same as MRL approval in the global community.

                    Used to be that the US registration and tox info was generally accepted everywhere. This has changed in recent years I am told. Now it is each country calling the shots on MRL levels in each grain individually for each herbicide/fungicide/insecticide individually. Some MRL have been removed in recent revues like Harvest/Liberty as a desiccant.

                    As you said... check with your grain buyer... the world HAS changed... being caused by end users... don't know why some folks think this is a scheme to make life difficult for farmers by grainco's.


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