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AB OH&S... WCB... NDP new rules

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    fjlip, was going to ask the same.


      googled it:


        It is about time. We have always had WCB coverage for our hired help. Thinking back, it has been used quite a few times. It is irresponsible not to have some protection for your workers. You WILL lose your farm if they get seriously injured and you get sued. it seems everyone is worth 4-5 million these days. On a different note, I only let my son and daughter run equipment for a few hours a day. If they get tired, mistakes happen. They also lack trouble shooting skills and judgement that adults have learned throughout life. When they hit 15 or 16 they will start to work longer hours, but I only let them do jobs/run equipment that I believe they can do safely. Kids start with the basics and move on from there.


          Apparently were inside the hopper bottom:

          http://www.thestarphoenix.com/teen killed farm accident/11333423/story.html


            Yep before long we will all have to wear reflective vests around the yard and look like a *** pylon.


              Alberta is the only province that farm workers are excluded from OH&S it hasn't shut down the rest of the country farm operations or unionized all farm workers.

              There is still young and old family members working on the farms.



                You actually believe SK OH&S made a difference to the two guys 14 and 62 yrs that died Monday loading a grain trailer?


                  Tom do you realy think this is a bad thing all the rest of society has better working conditions and if the banker takes his son or daughter to work they all get paid real wages, not the use of the pickup for sat night.
                  The farm is the most dangerous work place in the country and we all use our children instead of hiring help,if we cant afford help then walk away from it and get a real job.
                  I know my opperation would not have survived if I had to rely on hired help,or worked long after I should have been in bed,my wife and kids helped and I appreacate that but should they have to have helped out ????
                  It realy PISSES me off the way we as farmers wear our poverty and stupidity on our sleves like a badge of honor.


                    Do you count the value by the number of accidents that happen or the number it were averted with life and limb saved? Therefore uncountable.


                      What the cost of gas at the pumps in relation to a barrel of oil?
                      Overregulation skyrockets production cost - but big oil can pass it on - we will be fuked by three ends if this comes in force - just after Tom makes even more millions on the new seed laws getting rammed down our throats - anyone wana make bet ??????


                        Talking with landlord in the combine tonight, he figures machinery will start going smaller but will be autosteer without operator. If we get enough regulation on bullshit safety vests, hard hats, overtime etc etc, I'll be one of the first to adopt the tech. Its almost to the point now that if I could get a self driving machine that could be ran from laptop or pickup and run consistently 24/7 it would be worth it. Think about that, and to the nay sayers that still have a foammarker cuz the gps might not work, everyting is replacable.


                          If farms could pass their cost of production on like every other industry th the rural area in this province would look much different.

                          And our industry and communities would look better as well.

                          Sad thing is -no one has figured out it would only take a few cents on a loaf to make that happen.

                          Oh sorry, the middleman has got it figured out. And do does his back pocket.


                            macdon02, You're already agreeing to release the developers of the software and product of any liability before they will allow you to enable it. Now one step further.... no ass in the seat? I'm not nay saying but holy shit there has to be someone in there to take control if something goes haywire.

                            What happens when the growing season is so wet that potholes with water in them weren't there in spring or hydro line poles?

                            Doesn't JD already have the tractor pulling the grain cart controlled remotely?

                            Keeping an ass in the seat may pale in comparison to the potential disasters.

                            Funny part is alot of what was thought to be science fiction has become reality.


                              Farmers are the only business operators IN THE WORLD that don't pass cost of production along and I will never change. Fuel goes up others just charge a fuel surcharge, and never take it off even if fuel was suddenly free. Everything the consumer buys he/she pays the freight, but wait farmers pay the freight to sell their product. Freight from the combine, to the elevator, to the coast then to final destination, now that's a joke in itself. It goes on and on. Like someone said on here before, farmers are just parasite hosts.


                                Then who will be able to afford to eat and not? I know, I'm with you 100%---it's not my ****ing problem or responsibility....!!!!

                                But I still pay.


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