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    Read one guys article saying 900 million are going to come out of Africa in the next twenty years.

    The demographics for Caucasians does not look good.


      Demographics. If whites were to have more children. A couple has to have more than two kids just to replace themselves!!! What is the national average of caucasians? Lifestyle is more important, you cant legislate the birthrate for bigger families!!! What is the family size, a third or a quarter the size of our parents/grandparents? In most cases.


        I mostly agree that being inundated with muslim immigrants is a bad thing, but are not the Syrian refugees of a Christian background? Hence the reason ISIS is trying to kill them all? Or maybe they are the wrong type of muslim??
        I agree we should have stayed out of a lot these countries in the first place but that ship has sailed. We now see innocent civilians getting killed daily or dying to trying to escape the brutal islam rule. Do we just say, not our problem, if there is something we can do? Ya, we can't save them all but the ones that are rescued will sure be happy.
        It's a tough one for me as some of my ancestors came to this amazing country under very similar circumstances from the Ukraine 100 years ago.


          why would these people not want to come over here. We have built a great country with law and order, infrastructure wealth food. Gone to war and fought for freedom and our way of life. Perfect for the ones who do nothing to build up their own country . Lets get to Canada and carry on like we always have been doing here. Most that come here now have no interest in our culture or rules they will drag their wars and hate with them. It will come out eventually. If they cant get along in their own countries how can they be expected to do it here. Just look what is going on in Africa and the middle east no one has any respect for anyone or any law its dog eat dog.


            Reality check, how much are the young adults contributing who are sitting in their parents basements gaming? Another addiction! They live in this fantasy world that is reality(war and hand to hand combat) for some people in different parts of the world. Then all the other "game" themes, if they focused as much attention on being productive.... I wonder if they even "contribute" to the stat for the unemployed if they never had a job. See alot of immigrants working in the larger cities!!! Is that why junior can't find a job? Because the immigrants have them all.

            Those kids have lost the drive to succede. School is for stupid people right? They're entitled.....the ethic is gone! Things will be fine until the inheritance is gone.


              An lot of these refugees aren't fleeing ISIS in Syria they are fleeing drought and poverty elsewhere in Africa. I think there is lots of room in rural Canada for some of these people.
              They would integrate so much better if they moved to unoccupied homesteads on the prairies instead of into ghettos in Toronto or Vancouver. They are primarily agricultural people and could likely live off a garden and a few animals in the yard plus would be a useful source of labour on and around farms. For the most part they would not be so different to the migrants that settled this country.


                Need a Donald trump type candidate where being politically correct isn't what's needed. Not his other policies but the overall idea of doing what's right for our country not based on who is bought off or who controls who but on what made out country so good that everyone wants to come here. And as many have said come here then practice the bs that lead to the chaos in their former countries.

                Where is our voice in all this? All three parties a re tripping over themselves to see who can bring in more fastest? And that decision will be made by one of three people Trudeau Mulcair or Harper.
                This is what happens when people sit and take what the political parties throw at us with no say by our local mps or mlas. Although it's getting to the point where we ll have to ask who the minorities really are in this country?


                  Why aren't any Arab country taking any?
                  I like the one Egyptian Billionaires idea he will buy a Greek island for 100 million and put them all on it. Let them start again.
                  I have Muslim friends but really is this just a easy way for the world to be covered from end to end with the new dominant religion Muslim.


                    Something appears off with all of this they're all in these large groups almost organized. It's a bit weird.

                    Why doesn't the Saudis or Kuwait rent one of those empty Chinese cities?


                      I hope we don't turn into refugees.


                        All good points guys. But somebody soon has to stand up and say these things before its too late. Political suicide but you have to stand up for Canada not an agenda. Most people now are have nots and they will determine the fate of those that have. Unfortunately war and hurt is the only thing that make people remember what they have and dont have, makes them prioritize and see what they really need and what really matters. Ask any WW11 vet or members of there famalies.


                          Just a tidbit of information to consider. Do you own an iphone? Turns out the inventor of the iphone (Steve Jobs) was the son of a Syrian migrant who came to the US in 1954.


                            Was there a jihad against the west in 1954? Different world than 1954.


                              I am guessing NON of you posters is First Nations right ?
                              So then you can't Bitch about refugees as we are all offspring of refugees


                                Our refugees didnt come with the mindset of blowing people up!


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