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Wow - radar

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    Wow - radar

    Looks very heavy in the south this morning , SE Sask . and SW Manitoba getting er
    Nothing up here yet

    We are right in the area of that system but a break/gap in it was in line with us as it advanced N.E. All we got was .11 so far and "selfishly" would have gratefully accepted a soaking inch plus. We sure could use some to recharge the soil moisture. May get more yet as it wraps around.


      Time to catch up on some sleep. Maybe clean up the garden. Play with the grand kids. Watch the Labour Day "classic" tomorrow.


        2.5 caught an intense freak storm yesterday


          How far along you are with harvest will determine your appetite for rain now. But for me it is frustrating to have a system of that magnitide slip by and only get a tenth when more wouldnt have done any harm to what "I" have left. (Yup its all about me....) Theme of the Year here.


            This is going to make the rest of harvest hell over 13 inches since end of June!!!


              Good thing there are wipers on combines. Finished a far-away quarter in the rain.


                Got to 13% done. So peas in bin and Barley then switched to seed Wheat for 2016 and got one quarter done before it rained at 9:35. Haven't got to farm but Regina is a no harvest week for sure.
                FM I guess its time to get the dryer ready. Propane is cheaper now that the cottages are getting shut down. Wish had natural gas but at the end of the line.
                Big bins with barley will be transferred to bags this next week. So all air will be empty for round two.
                Ah the life of playing in the mud.
                Need a new tow strap as our main 50ft is getting a little to much use the last few years.


                  Many Many Just finished picking up that field... then it rained....on our farm too!!!

                  Time to go cut some more Canola... Bye for now!


                    No run here.....yet. Hopefully we don't. Can't combine. Nothing ready!! Good weather will come.


                      By radar hard to believe ANYBODY will get missed. All forecasts agree 3 rainy days, but some areas, like Melfort, are swamped already. Hope it misses the flooded areas. 3/10" so far. At 36% combined, all wheat. Lots of swaths getting WET, no more red wheat/malt. Okay for rotting canola swaths, easier to combine. Most of it is swathed.


                        Our area of SESK is 85-90% done, excluding beans. Standing wheat or barley that was left to do yet won't be pretty. Still some canola and flax to combine and a fair bit of canary. Beans sure could have used this rain two weeks ago, most bean fields have about 50-70% change in leaf colour. Maybe it'll still help them fill?

                        A lot of the bigger BTOs (for our area) are done, some may have beans though.

                        Yes, some of the downpours have been incredible starting in the middle of the night. Some this morning have nearly been white outs.


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